2021 Orthman Research Yield Book


Corn Side-Dress Results and Discussion When we measured leaf area index in mid-July we saw that we could expect a yield response to each increase in side-dress application. At that time it appeared from those measurements that the 100% or 28 gallon per acre rate was the correct rate. However, when we harvested we did see a response to the 35 gallon per acre application. Each shift of 7 gallons per acre changed the N rate by 19.5 lbs./ac and the S rate by 3.7 lbs./ac. Therefore when we added an additional 19.5 pounds of N per acre and 3.7 pounds of S brought in additional $17.54 per acre while cutting the same amount resulted in a loss

of $10.09 per acre. The net revenue changed from the reduction of -$1.33/ac and the addition resulted in $8.78/ac. Looking at the data you can

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