Orange County Insight January 2023

4 - H Camp Counselors Needed

By: Orange County Extension Office

High school age students are eligible to apply for 4 - H camp counselor roles for the summer. While camp isn't until June 4 - 8, 2023, counselor applications are due January 13, with interviews to be held the following week. High school youth will earn more than 50 hours of community service, which can be verified for school purposes. Counselors serve as role models and supervisors for the campers in elementary and middle schools. They help teach classes, manage a dorm room of five (5) youth, lead songs, and play and interact with the campers in an outdoor setting. Ga - ga is a favorite 4 - H camp game, there's swimming in a Junior - Olympic size pool everyday, and nightly campfires are a treasured 4 - H camp tradition. Amenities are available to counselors. We hope to receive your application soon. Details about the position and a link to the online application are available at

Page 23 | January, 2023

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