2021 Public Policy Guide

1. Higher education funding specifically directed to produce graduates with degrees in high demand jobs such as engineering, computer/software/IT fields, and key medical/nursing areas 2. Funding will require that institutions receiving funding be required to submit a plan to increase its graduates in critical occupation degrees by 20% within four years 3. All plans must include annual measurable action steps that will produce a 20% increase in graduates with Critical Occupation degrees 4. We support funding coming from the consolidation of higher education institutions and the reduction of non-critical occupation degree programs Oklahoma’s Promise Oklahoma’s Promise is one of the most successful college access programs in the nation. We oppose legislation that would diminish the program’s focus on college access. We support efforts to increase the number of college graduates and to maintain the direct allocation of state funds, which ensures full funding of the scholarships earned by Oklahoma students. Career Tech – Business and Industry Training The Oklahoma CareerTech system is acknowledged as one of the top systems in the nation. CareerTech is a key ingredient in attracting industry to Oklahoma through its Training for Industry Program (TIP). The Chamber supports funding to assure training needs for new and existing industry. The business community urges the system to focus on producing a workforce that can meet the needs of high-demand occupations.

Career Readiness and Certification The Chamber believes Oklahoma needs more of our workforce to have the opportunities to earn more post-secondary education, including certifications, degrees and other training targeting skills that are in demand and meet industry needs. • We support key scholarship programs: Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grants (OTEG) and Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants (OTAG) • We support concurrent enrollment. These will help achieve the Complete College America goals by enabling more students enter college and obtain a college degree • We support development of more work- based learning opportunities such as internships and apprenticeship programs


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