Speakeasy Marketing _August 2017


Tony Marks’ Guide to Successful Project Completion PROJECT MANAGEMENT

ATTORNEYS SET GOALS ...continued from back page

Every professional juggles projects at work or at home, but projects often fail due to unclear direction. In his book, “20:20 Project Management,” Tony Marks provides steps to ensure your project — not matter whether the outcome is desirable — is not a waste of time and effort. This book is beneficial to those who work in project management, as well as anyone involved in an organizational project. According to Marks, a project’s life cycle consists of five phases: defining, appraising, planning, executing, and completing. Several key elements within these phases contribute to a project’s successful control of cost, time, and quality. The most common project failures have to do with the original creation and appraisal of a project plan. For this reason, do not rush the initial phase of the plan. Marks writes that planning is crucial to prevent project failure. Following the initial creative idea, you should develop a broad plan, define the plan more specifically, and determine the business case on which measurements will be based. You need to set a baseline on which to measure the success of the project. In addition, you need to make sure project objectives are being met, so progress reports should be frequent and honest. Project managers may mistakenly focus on achieving a task at the expense of developing individuals and the team, without realizing that development is the best way to achieve the task. For proper development, you must be able to effectively communicate to everyone. Good leaders give both developmental feedback and motivational feedback, both of which contribute to the success of the team and project. Each chapter of this practical guide contains a best-practices case study, as well as graphs, charts, explanations of terms, and detailed examples of the materials discussed so every project can be fulfilled successfully and efficiently. The book is a guide for successful project management through standardized strategies that are guaranteed to help you see your project to completion.

What do they do that’s so different? It’s not that they set big goals, as such. It’s more that they’ve learned how to set intelligent goals (i.e., the right goals). In today’s podcast, I share some of the things I’ve learned from watching them. Check it out here: speakeasy.marketing/Goals

Real Secrets of Attorney Marketing Law School Dares Not Teach (2nd Edition)

• Five new chapters, including live chat, what’s changing for personal injury attorneys marketing-wise in 2017, and more • Completely revised and updated for 2017 • Complimentary physical copy mailed/emailed upon request Available on Amazon Kindle, and by emailing rj@speakeasymarketinginc.com.


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