King's Business - 1932-05





A Whole Biblical Library COMPLETE, COMPACT IN ONE HANDY VOLUME! • “The Outstanding Facts Given in the New Analytical Bible in connection with each of the sixty-six Books are worth the price of the complete vol­ ume, in your best binding. Certainly no min­ ister, Sunday School teacher, or church work­ er who knows of the NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE would deprive himself or herself of the many scholarly, time-saving helps it contains.” The quotation above is from a well-known minister who did not think he needed a new Bible until he saw and examined the NEW ANALYTICAL. This is a new kind of Bible —nothing else like it ever published—just off the press. A Whole Biblical Library Compact in One Handy Volume The NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE con­ tains the complete Bible text. It is not sim­ ply a collection of Bible helps but a complete Biblical library containing both the Old and New Testaments in the King James Version, with 5,556 bracketed renderings taken from the American Standard Version and placed in the text where they belong. In the NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE the references follow each verse instead of being placed in fine print in the center. Before each of the sixty-six books there is an introductory page, giving date, author, design, and other valuable information. There are 42 full-page analytical charts, placed just before the Books to which they refer. Analytical Outlines Following each Book there is an outline which will help you in the preparation of your sermon, your Sunday School lessons, or in your Bible study. Outstanding Facts You can read in a few minutes the out­ standing facts on any of the sixty-six books of the Bible, and get a far more comprehen­ sive idea of what the book contains than from reading the book itself. You, too, will re­ gard this one feature as worth the price of the complete volume. Contemporaneous History In connection with most of the Books of the Bible a contemporaneous history is given. For example, what was going on in Baby­ lonia, in Egypt, or among the Moabites and Ammonites at the time Genesis was written? What were the Assyrians, Phoenicians and Greeks doing when the book of Judges was written? These and hundreds of other ques­ tions are answered in the “ Contemporaneous History.” FR EE Catalog It is impossible to describe this great work completely in this space. Let us send you our new two-color catalog containing specimen pages and descriptive price list. It is abso­ lutely FREE. Clip and mail the coupon with the facts before you so as not to miss this opportunity for richer spiritual living and greater mastery of Bible truths.

Universally Endorsed During the few months the ANALYTICAL BIBLE has been off the press, more than a thousand leading ministers and laymen of all Protestant denominations have declared that it is the greatest Bible published. The Sunday School Times Says: “ The name does not begin to suggest the riches offered here to the student of the Bible, whether beginner or one who has journeyed far. There are many unusual features com­ bined in a work that is at once profound and scholarly, yet simple in its plan and detail. It is a work that will be studied and loved and will grow richer with each year’s using.” — The Sunday School Times. “ It is a pleasure to write you a word after having had an opportunity to examine your NEW ANALYTICAL study of the Scrip­ tures. “ The book really presents a Bible study course, splendidly arranged, and giving a wide variety of subjects. I want to express my appreciation of the clear explanations given, and of the very handy arrangement of facts in your various outlines. They are not only enlightening, but effect a great saving in time for those of us who are so very busy in the Lord’s work. “ It is well worth a careful and constant use on the preacher’s desk.”— Dr. W . L. Wil­ son, The Radio Preacher, Kansas City, Mo. “ Many different types of Bible study helps have been published, but few are more com­ plete in their line than the NEW ANALYTI­ CAL INDEXED BIBLE, recently come from the press. It does not compete with edi­ tions of the Bible which are doctrinal, but places before the student the mechanical aids to Bible study that are a necessary part of every student’s Biblical equipment. A library of material in portable form.”— Donald Grey Barnhouse, Pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa. “ I have looked through the NEW ANA^ LYTICAL BIBLE with deep interest and also with deep satisfaction. You have placed at the service of those who use it an im­ mense amount of valuable information. You have supplied helps in generous abundance. The book is indeed a shelf of books.”— Dr. Chas. E. Jefferson, D.D., L.L.D., Pastor, Broadway Tabernacle Church, New York City. “ The NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE rep­ resents a marvelous amount of painstaking and careful work.”— Albert W. Palmer, D.D., President, The Chicago Theological Seminary. “ Please say for me that I am delighted with the NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE and that it contains an ample reward for all who make it their guide in the reading and study of the Holy Scriptures.’’— -Daniel A. Poling, President, World’s Christian Endeavor Un­ ion, Boston, Mass. “ The NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE is a wonderfully constructed analysis. You have rendered a real service to Bible students. I most heartily commend your work and the Book.” — Rev. Mark A. Matthews, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Seattle, Wash. I BUXTON -WESTERMAN CO. I Dept. 9 I 21 W est E lm Street,Chicagro, 111. I Please mail me without obligation your new two-color catalog illustrating and describing 2 the NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE. I Name......................................................................

K ing James Version with 5,566 Cor­ rected R end erin g from the Ameri­ can Standard Version

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(1) —General Outline of Bible. (2) —History _of B i b 1e—Translations— Manuscripts—Evidences ^ of Inspira­ tion—Progress of Doctrine. (3)SFactors in Character Building— Positive and Negative Qualities. (4) — Index and Digest Comprising 200 Pages. (5) — 66 Introductions— One to each book of the Bible. (6)— 42 Full-page Charts—A Complete Analysis of the Bible. (7) — 5566 Corrected Renderings placed in brackets in the Text. (8) —Thousands of Scriptural References printed in 8-point type following the verses to which they refer. (9) —Outlines of each of the 66 books— One outline following each book. (10) —Outstanding facts of each book placed after each book where it belongs. (11) —Contemporaneous History of each book follows “ Outstanding Facts.” (12) —-New Testament references follow books of Old Testament. Old Testa­ ment references follow books of New Testament. (13) — 15 Black and White maps illuminate Bible Text. (14) —Harmony of the Gospels. (15) -—-Over 100 New Testament references to the prophets. (16) lllBarables of Jesus in chronological order. (17) —^Miracles of Jesus in chronological order. (18) — Discourses of Jesus in chronological order. (19) — Complete chronology of the Old and New Testaments. (20) — Genealogy of the Patriarchs. (21) r—The Laws of the Hebrew People. (22) —The Jewish Calendar. (23) —Tables of Weights and Measures. (24) — Lives of leading Bible characters out­ lined in chronological order. (25) —Miracles of Old Testament, giving oc­ casion, place and record. (26) -—Prayers of the Bible—giving time and person, occasion and record. (27) —Prophecies fulfilled concerning Jesus Christ chronologically arranged. (28) —Titles and names applied to Holy Ghost, giving Old and New Testament references. And many otber interesting features

j City.


I t is obvious W HEN YOU GO F ISH IN G , gO where the fish are ! When decide to help Jewish Mission work—then remember, help the Jews where the Jews are ! They are in New York— 2,000,000 of them. Every third man in New York is a Jew. It is the largest assembly o f Jews ever gathered in one spot since the sun began to shine. There are more Jews in New York Gity than in all the rest o f the United States put together. Think this over and ask God, “ What wilt Thou have me to do?” Then, let us hear from you. W e’ll welcome your help and your prayers. Our work merits your every confidence. Our field is not only the 2,000,000 Jew s of New York, but the 4,000,000 Jews of America. And through co­ operating missionaries we are represented, and our Yiddish publications are being distrib­ uted, in all the important Jew­ ish centers of the w orld . In America, Branches are being es­ tablished in the larger cities as the Lord gives us the means and the workers. Y o u r help and prayers are always needed. “ The Chosen People,” loved by many Bible students for its helpful in­ formation on Prophecy and the Jews, is sent to all contributors. May we hear from you?

SheSlhie TamiitiS itatine 3 l ^l M otto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." — R ev . 1:5.

God opens your eyes, and you

Volume XXIII

May, 1932

Number 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editgr..................................199 Mother’s Influence—John A. Hubbard---- .............................. -.......201 Why Did Jesus Go Back to Heaven?—John B. Houser..................203 A Trifle that Grew—Wade C. Smith.......... —. ................ f............... 204 Close up the Ranks—George Henderson.......................................... 205 The Handmaid o f the Lord—Grace Livingston Hill........................207 Teaching the Gospel with Objects—Robert L. Wilder....................210 Putting on the Lord Jesus—William Olney.....................-............... 211 Thè Well-Known Human Race—Roy Talmage Brumbaugh.......... 212 Present-Day Fulfillment of Prophecy—Louis S. Bauman............. 214 Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews—John C. Page............. 1.......217 Bible Institute Family Circle—Cutler B. Whitwell..........................219 Homiletical Helps ....... 1........................................................................220 Our Missionary Page—John A. Hubbard.......................................... 221 Our Literature Table—....................................................... -...............222 In the Jewish World—J. A. Vaus.......... ,.......................................... 224 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker...................................... 225 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner............................227 International Sunday School Lesson Commentary..........................231 Daily Devotional Readings.................................................................238


ADVERTISING: For Information with reference to ad­ vertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS address the Re­ ligious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, IU. Entered aa Second Class Matter November 17,. 1310,. at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 8. 1879. Acceptance far mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorised October 1, 1918. TERMS: Single Copies........................................... 15« Annual Subscription ...................................................$ 1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions 2.50

Five annual subscriptions ..................... 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions ....................................... 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REM ITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to "Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for reg­ ular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new addresses at least one month previous to date of desired change.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Chritlan work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) TO emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

American Board o f Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

S36-SS8 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, Calif.

ISN'T this World-Wide Subscription Campaign of The King's Business the best ever? You read about it, didn't you, in last month's K. B.? Have you sent in your coupon for "all" the information? Say, those trips that are offered are surely appealing, aren't they? More than likely you've decided long be­ fore now which one you're working for. And we hope you'll be successful in earning the trip of your choice. our editor H O W do you like this informal like­ ness of our Editor, snapped by Rev. Alan S. Pearce? O f course, Dr. White is Editor, but he's turned this page over to us and told us that we can choose our own topics for our friendly chat. So we're going to take the leeway he has given us and tell you how he spends some of his time. As you know, he is President of the Institute as well as Editor of The King's Busi­ ness. Dr. White is busy in his office dur­ ing daylight hours and in his study during evening hours, save when his time is demanded for some public ad­ dress or other duty for the Institute. Frequently he has to leave his office or study to address some organization or group that wants to hear his sane inspiring message. But do you know, Dr. White isn't satisfied with working only six days of the week for his Lord. His Sundays are full, too! On a re­ cent Sunday, in the morning he drove to San Pedro and delivered a sermon in the First Presbyterian Church. The afternoon found him back in Los Angeles taking part in the pro­

friendly chat..

and cheer wing their way from Biola­ chimes to hundreds of listening ears, throughout the Institute, on the streets below and in surrounding buildings. peter plotkin W E'D like to introduce to you a new member of our family, Dr. Peter Plot- kin. He is a Russian Jew; a devoted Christian; a talented artist; an elo­ quent speaker. It was his skillful brush that por­ trayed the Christ, specter-like, in wake of battle in midst of dead and dying, in the oil painting, "Never Alone," awarded the prize of the American Legion several years ago. And it is his skillful brush that has just completed three new matchless Christian masterpieces, "The King of Kings," "Isaiah," and "David." Presently, these masterpieces will be exhibited in various churches throughout Southern California and later in other sections of the country. When exhibiting the paintings Dr. Plotkin will tell something about them and at the same time relate the thrill­ ing story of his life, the climax of which is his stirring conversion to Christianity! If you live in South­

sacrifice DR. WH ITE is eagerly watching the mail for your answer to the letter he sent you a couple of weeks ago, tell­ ing about the little old lady who gave the gold dollar to her Lord in sweet and voluntary sacrifice. But do you know, a certain person has written us an anonymous letter, (we don't know why anyone is obliged to send us an anonymous letter), tell­ ing us that we have "violated all of the principles of the Sermon on the Mount" in accepting the gold dollar i to aid in the Master's work. The Mas­ ter made the supreme sacrifice for all of us, even our anonymous brother. Then, surely, the little old lady should not be prevented from making win­ some sacrifice for the Master should she care to evidence her love in that fashion. Life, robbed of the spirit of sacrifice, would be a stupendously selfish affair. In an old people's home in Los An­ geles is a certain old lady. When she heard about the gold dollar that had been given to us for the Lord's work she immediately gave us a gold dol­ lar that she had had for many years, declaring that it was "a drop in the bucket, but lying away doing no good." If everyone who knows of the need for additional gifts in the Lord's ser­ vice here at the Institute would re­ spond as generously as did the two elderly ladies with the gold dollars the immediate requirement for funds would be met. biolachimes IT'S half past nine o'clock in the morn­ ing* From the belfry far above us we hear Biolachimes pealing forth "Sweet Hour of Prayer." Through the buildings students and employees are stopping their tasks, bowing their heads in silent commun­ ion with God and asking His blessing upon the Institute. A new custom is this early morning ringing of Biolachimes, but already it has become a necessary part of Biola- jifet When the sun is at meridian height and again at five in the afternoon, fa­ miliar hymns with messages of hope

gram of the University Bible Clubs under the auspices of The Church of the Open Door in our own auditorium. And t h e evening found him in Holly­ wood addressing the First P re sb yte ria n Church. He is busy. But he's never too busy for a pleasant word and a smile! We'll let you in on e little secret. We've been holding this page back from the press so that Dr. W h i t e wouldn't have so much of a chance to change any of thisfriendly chat,

ern California a n d would like Dr. Plotkin to come to y o u r church, just write our Business Manager, Mr. O. Howard Lucy who is in charge of all reservations. radio W E'D like to know how you are enjoying our broadcasts. Our regu­ lar periods over KFAC, Los Angeles are 10:30 a.m to 11:15 a.m. Tues­ day to Friday inclu­ sive, and 6:05 p.m. to 6:20 p.m. Tuesday. Our regular period

Dr. White

should he want to! Goodbye! We're off to press! Hope the Doctor has lost his blue pencils— every last one of them. — the friendly chat editor

over KHJ, Los Angeles is on Friday from 12:15 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Why not send us a postal letting us know how you are enjoying our ministries of the air? We want them all to be truly helpful.


B u s i n e s s

May 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

(Srum LfromTHE K IN G ’S TABLE . . . By T he E ditor


It is well to get the habit of seeing great things in little ones; of seeing the molding hand of God in the dewdrop as well as in the infinite constellations which seem to crowd the infinity of space. “ The very hairs of your head are all numbered,” and as for so-called small things, “ take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones.” Look for great meanings; see in the dust the possibility of children being raised up unto Abraham; see in the temple stones possible voices of praise, if the natural worshipers shpuld suddenly become dumb; and see in . every rock, not stone only, but an unhewn stairway up to the Jeru­ salem which is lighted by the Lamb. . “Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth” TT s r a e l f e l l into fretfulness and whining and dissatis- faction and rebellion. What did God do? He sent Amalek. It is no use to reason with peevishness. It is time wasted to try to expostulate with any man who is in a whining mood of soul, displeased because of his friend, discontented because of the scarcity of water. What must be done? An enemy must be raised up to smite him with the sword. What we need today is persecution; the church does not need more eloquence. We do not need some new invention in theological confectionary that shall tempt appetites that have been surfeited; we need persecution— the enemy at the gate. Then we should begin to forgive one another, to pray for one another, to come more closely together, and more near in that consent of soul Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.


Is Here

u m a n n e c e s s it ie s and divine grace always meet in sweet concept. The Christian should have no fear in his life. We know-that there is a rock immediately ahead of us, but God can melt it into a river. We know that there is a Red Sea just in front of us, but God can divide it and let us pass as through an iron gate. We are aware that Jordan’s water is rolling just a few paces ahead, and we may have to go so near it as to touch it; but the moment our feet of faith splash in the waters of danger, the waters must give way, for faith can never fail. In the great encounters of life, either the spiritual or the material must give way, and God has never been stopped by that which is material and physical. God is never represented as being worsted or baffled by any of the material which is built up into the house which we call the universe. “ If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Our power is not a power of gen­ ius, but an almightiness o f belief. Nature is always equal to our physical necessities; God has put everything in a nature which that other nature, called “ human,” requires for its bodily sustentation. All food is in the earth. All medicine is in the garden.- All healing is in the air which is blowing around us like a divine benediction. The water is sometimes kept in the rock, and the bread is sometimes locked up in the cloud and allowed to drop down upon us like very small coriander seeds which we gather with

which is blessed with insight into spiritual mysteries. We have lost in losing the enemy. The sting o f the Smithfield fire would correct a lot of our theology. The old gibbet would take the fretfulness out of our tone. The great earthquake rocking our cities would make us forget our ani­ mosities and unite us in bolder inter­ cession. This is the meaning of com­ mercial depression, of mercantile losses, of great and small afflictions in the family. This is the meaning of all the gloom, cloud, battle, and contest. We have been too peevish, wandering, discontented. We have been in need of knowing the true tragedy of life, and of being whip­ ped out of our peddling criticism, out of our mean and contemptible conceptions of God and His universe. The Bible Institute has needed the chastening hand of God. God has supplied this need generously! We needed the pride whipped out o f us. We boasted about our great­ ness, our beautiful building, etc., but it would be better far to lose every

wonder, and eat with an inquiry, say­ ing, “What is it?” All help is near, if we but understand it— “ there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; he it is.” The unknown is sitting next to you. The tree you need for the cure of the bitter pool is bending over the very water that needs to be healed. We realize the nearness of food, the nearness of those elements which are essential to the upbuilding and maturity of our lower nature. Why do we not realize the fiearness of the redeeming God—- the immediate presence of Him who says, “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in.” In all other things, we glory in the nearness of the remedy, in the close proximity of what we need, yet when we come into spirit­ ual inquiries, the soul says, “ Why standest thou afar off, O God ?” And the inquiry is rebuked by the infi­ nitely tender gospel: “ I am a God near at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off.”

Be Still B y A lice E. S herwood 0 fainting heart o f mine, be still, and let thy terror cease, In glad submission to the Father’s will, rest thou in peace, The tempest raging on the storm- tossed sea, brings needless fear, For thou art safe within the ark, and Christ, the Lord, is near. No pretty bird within , its cosy nest, more sure than thou, That care, protection, tenderness, the morning will endow. In calm security it rests beneath its mother’s wings, And trusting, u n a f r a i d , s e r e n e , throughout the storm, it sings. A deeper peace, 0 heart of mine, a tranquil, sweet repose, The peace o f God that Christ who ruled Lake Galilee bestows. The One who calms the mighty seas and rides upon the wave, Is with thee now, all-powerful, to comfort and to save.

May 1932


T h e

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B u s i n e s s

did, not only that the men might be healed who were ailing in body, but that a man might be healed who was sick at heart, saying in his imprisonment and darkness, “ After all, I wonder if this is the Son of God.” The Annual Missionary Rally , lt^HF. C h u r c h and the Institute feasted on the mountain top during the annual missionary rally—March 27 to April 3. The speakers were Dr. R. H. Glover, Home Di­ rector of the China Inland Mission, an outstanding mis­ sionary statesman of today, having spent more than twen­ ty-five years in China, and having traveled extensively in other missionary lands; Rev. Karl D. Hummel, who served for a number of years as a missionary o f the Central Amer­ ican Mission, and is now the Home Secretary of that so­ ciety; Rev. L. L. Legters, among the greatest authorities on the life and history of the Indians o f Central and South America; Rev. and Mrs. R. W . Porteous, who have spent twenty-seven years in China, the story of whose hundred days of captivity in the hands of bandits, and deliverance in answer to prayer, thrilled all our hearts; Rev. A. E. Bishop, who went to Central America as a missionary over thirty years ago, and has seen the development of missions in Guatemala; his daughter, Miss Mary E. Bishop, who went to Central America as a child and has grown up with the country, a most successful missionary of the cross; Rev. J. E. Mallis, who was born in India, his father and mother being missionaries under the Ceylon and India General Mission at that time, and whose message reached the hearts of our young people as few have ever reached them; Rev. Frederick E. Holland, who was seventeen years in Africa under the Africa Inland Mission, during which years God has honored his message to the evangel­ ized tribes in a marked way, and who brought to the hearts o f God’s people not only a knowledge of that continent, but a heart-warming message from God’s W o rd ; Rev. and Mrs. Harold Tuggy, representatives of the Orinoco River Mission, under which they have labored for six years, do­ ing pioneer work in Venezuela; Dr. H. Virginia Blakeslee, who has given years of service to the Lord in Africa as a medical missionary; Rev. Harry J. Hill, a graduate of the Bible Institute, who has spent fourteen years in mission and pastoral work in Korea, and whose church in Peng Yang, Korea, has a membership of fifteen hundred. The Institute classes were dismissed during this great conference, so that the students might hear nine addresses each day. Over three hundred young people, on the last night of the rally, dedicated themselves to God to be sent anywhere that He might want them to declare the glad tid­ ings. “ The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad.” The June number of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s will be a missionary number, and will contain extracts of many of the splendid addresses given during the rally. w o n d e r f u l spiritual atmosphere prevails in Church and Institute since the coming of Rev. Louis T. Talbot to the pastorate of the Church of the Open Door. We are all working together in perfect harmony. The evangelistic meetings, under the leadership o f our new Vice-President, “ Mel” Trotter, followed by the missionary rally have, by God’s grace, brought us all into a fine spirit of unity and harmony. Symphony! a

material possession if our pride would go along, and God would give us a humble spirit. We boasted about our won­ derful program at home and abroad, but it is far better for God to cut down our presumptuous program and give us a program of faith, with the slogan, “ Owe no man anything, but to love one another.” We are passing through the fire, but there standeth One among us whose form is like unto the form of the Son of God, and we know that out of the furnace of testing there shall come a Bible Institute that God will bless. When God’s people accept the divine discipline in the right spirit, when that discipline has exhausted itself, each man will say for himself, “ It was good for me that I was afflicted. Before I was afflicted, I went astray.” “ No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” “ My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers testings, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” When God sends the Amalekite upon you, it is that the enemy may teach what the friend has »failed to convey. Christ’ s Commendations id y o u e v e r notice the things that surprised and pleased Jesus? He marveled at the faith of the centurion, saying, “ I have not found so great faith; no, not in Israel.” It was more than amazement; it was gratitude. There were tears in His voice as He expressed His astonishment. He loves faith. He will do anything for faith. “ Believest thou that I am able to do this?” “ Yea, Lord.” “ Then take it all,” said He. Christ withholds nothing from faith. We cannot surprise Him by genius, by brilliance, by boldness of intellectual conjecture and speculation, but we can surprise Him by trust, faith, confidence. He looks for spiritual miracles. We can amaze Him by our love. When one kissed His feet, He was amazed with an infinite delight. When He praises, what does He commend ? He praised a prayer. What was it? The Pharisee’s pompous self- defense? N o; a Publican’s self-abasement:'“ God be mer­ ciful to me, a sinner.” That prayer pleased the Son of God. It sounded like prayer; it was all prayer. It startled Him into the utterance of a eulogy. He praised a donation. What was it? The widow’s two mites. He saw so much in them—a whole fortune, an absolute devotion, a miracle of wealth. He praised a servant. In what terms did He commend him? In moral terms, “ good and faithful.” Christ’s commendations are all on the same line, all directed to the same point, all rich with the same quality. His com­ mendation runs upon a line on which all men may stand. This is not a tribute to gigantic stature, to phenomenal genius, to an occasional brilliance, to eccentric gift. It is a benediction pronounced upon actions which children can do, which the common people can execute. When He saw the widow following her dead, “ he had compassion on her.” He is easily touched with the feeling of our infirmi­ ties. He could have looked upon all the Pharisees in the universe, and passed by them with an infinite disdain, but when we need Him most, and cannot see Him for our tears, He will move all heaven to help us. He was condescending to the weakness of His forerunner. When John sent a doubt to Him, He sent back a gospel. He said, “ I will per­ form a thousand miracles to heal this heart of doubt.” In that hour—such was the illustrious focal point of the omnipotence of Christ-W“ in that same hour, he cured many of their infirmities and plagues and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind, he gave sight.” All this* He D

Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian lovel

May 1932


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

o lher i INFLUENCE

By JOHN A. HUBBARD Los AngelesfXalif.

X . he story is told of a little girl walking with her mother. She stumbled over something and thereupon cried out, “ Mother, why don’t you look where I’m going?” We are passing on this incident apropos of Mother’s Day, which is so near at hand, reminding us of the influ­ ence of the mother on her children. We are not minimiz­ ing, in any degree, the responsibility of the father in this matter of influence on the children of the home, for that responsibility is very definite and great. It is to be re­ gretted that so many fathers try to shirk this responsi­ bility or are a positive hindrance to their children, either by their direct influence, or indirectly by making it more difficult for the mother to lead the children aright. But because of the intimate association with her child, especially in the young and formative period, the influ­ ence of the mother is, in some respects, greater than that of the father. The Scriptures contain many striking examples of the power of parents over their children for evil or for good. A n E v il M o t h e r Concerning Ahaziah, king of Israel (the Northern Kingdom), it is said, “ He did evil in the sight of the Lord.” And the record shows that both his father and mother in­ fluenced him for evil: “ He did evil in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the way o f his father, and in the way of his

mother. . . . For he served Baal, and worshipped him, and provoked to anger the Lord God of Israel, according to all that his father had done” (1 Ki. 2 2 :52, 53). wpv o t l o n g after the reign of Ahaziah over the Northern ' Kingdom, a king by the same name ascended the throne of Judah, in the Southern Kingdom. The biography of this man is very closely linked with his mother; indeed, it may be said to gather largely around her. And what a biography it is! “ Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jeru­ salem. His mother’s name also was Athaliah the daughter of Omri. He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly. Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the Lord like the house of Ahab: for they were his counsellors after the death of his father to his destruction” (2 Chron. 22:2-4). His mother was his counsellor to do wickedly, and the counsel ended in his destruction! Going back a step farther in the ancestry of this man, we find that the mother of Ahaziah was the daughter of that personification of wick­ edness—Jezebel—whose name even now is used as a sym­ bol of ungodliness. There can be no question as to the in­ fluence exerted by Jezebel over her daughter Athaliah, whose influence in turn resulted in the destruction of her son. What a tremendous responsibility is that of the mother!

A Mother’ s Prayer

As I hold my own baby, So close to my breast, With the tiny soft fingers Like pink rosebuds pressed, Do I think of that Baby O f heavenly birth, Who came bringing hope To the mothers of earth? A s I clasp my own baby, So close, with a prayer That the Saviour will keep us With all-watchful care, Do I think of the mothers Whose mute, nameless fears Bow them low to blind gods With dumb lips and deaf ears?

In my home where my child Is a gift from the Lord, Where the mother is honored, The baby adored, Do I think of far lands, - Where at breaking o f day, The unwanted babies Are carried away? 0 Father, who gavest My baby to me, May the love o f my child Bring me closer to Thee, May the children o f earth Who know not Thy Son Be more precious to me Because o f my own.

— S elected .

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others are trying to advance their own interests, not the cause of Jesus the Messiah. But you know his sterling worth: you know that, as the service of a son to a father, so has his service been in helping me to spread the Glad- tidings” (Arthur S. Way’s translation). From Paul’s second letter to him, we learn something of the mother’s influence in the life of this young man: “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also” (2 Tim. 1 :5). Later in the epistle, we find that Timothy had been early taught in the Scriptures— “ From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures” (3 :15 ). Here, then, is one whose mother had a living faith, and that faith showed itself in her life and in teaching her boy the Word of God. Fortunate boy ! A S t r ik in g C o n t r a s t It is interesting to note also the influence of Timothy’s grandmother upon his mother, and to contrast this with the case of Ahaziah. Grandmother Mother Son Jezebel Wicked Athaliah Wicked Ahaziah Wicked Lois Woman o f faith Eunice Woman o f faith Timothy We do not imply that faith is hereditary. But we are pleading with mothers to teach their children the Word of God, and to so exemplify the life of faith and devotion to our Lord before their children that they will see some­ thing of the reality and blessedness of the Christian life and be inclined to “walk in the ways” of their mother, not to their destruction, but to their eternal bliss. "IT h a v e read of two young college students of bygone days attending a lecture by the noted infidel, Robert G. Ingersoll. At the close, one of the young men said to the other, “ Well, Jim, didn’t old Bob wipe Christianity off the face of the earth tonight?” Jim replied, “ I don’t know, I’m inclined to think my good old Christian mother is still left, and I would hot give her, with her sweet Christian life and example, for all the Bob Ingersolls that could be crowded on earth.” A M o t h e r ’ s P r a y e r s A n s w e r e d Only this very day on which this article is being writ­ ten, I had from the lips of one of our fine young women students here at the Bible Institute a fine testimony to a mother’s influence. She told me of the way in which God had been leading her to take up work as a missionary in Africa. When only a child, she had a desire to become a missionary, and her heart was set on going to China. Dur­ ing her student days here last year, God began to speak to her about going to Africa. At first, she resisted and tried to put off the thought of going to that land. But the call be­ came so clear and persistent that she finally said “ yes” to her Lord. A few weeks later, she told her mother of her decision; then, to her surprise and delight, she learned that before she was born, her mother had dedicated her to be­ come a missionary to the Dark Continent. As a young woman, her mother had cherished the wish to go to that country herself to proclaim the glad tidings, but was pre­ vented. Yet her prayers are evidently being answered in the sending of her child. Happy mother, and happy child, because both are devoted to the will of G od ! A man o f faith and de­ voted to the service of Jesus Christ

M y mother , M ary A nn W hite , who , from the pulpit of her WHEEL CHAIR AND WITH HER BLIND EYES, TAUGHT ME HOW TO MAKE A PULPIT OUT OF EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE AND TO REST QUIETLY IN GOD THROUGH THE MOST TRYING CONDITIONS.— THE EDITOR. Let no mother think it is necessary to be a monster of wickedness in order to lead her children astray. Jezebel’s root sin was idolatry —letting some one or something oc­ cupy the place which God alone should have. There are multitudes of mothers in the world today who cannot be classed with Jezebel as regards outward cruelty and wick­ edness, but who are, nevertheless, just as effectively lead­ ing their children away from God, because He is not hav­ ing His rightful place in their hearts and lives. Some one or something else has that place, and they are therefore idolators. There are gods many—wealth, dress, society, pleasure, etc. And there are multitudes of children today who are far from God because of the influence of their virtually idolatrous mothers. We plead with mothers to open their hearts to Jesus Christ, to receive Him as Sav­ iour from sin, and to crown Him as Lord of their lives, and thus to so influence their children that they will rise up and call them blessed both now and through eternity. A M o t h e r o f F a i t h !|£» y w a y o f refreshing contrast, let us now turn to an other character in Scripture, one whose life was, and still is, a channel of blessing. We refer to the devoted and helpful companion of the great Apostle Paul, Timothy, to whose devotion Paul bears testimony in these words; “ Still I do hope—-I rest that hope on our Lord Jesus—to send Timotheus very soon to you. I, too, want to be cheered by getting news of you. I send him, for I have no one else who is heart and soul with me, no one who is sure to devote himself unselfishly to your interests. All the


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By JOHN B. HOUSER* Marshall, Minn.

^ ll h e a s c e n s io n of Jesus was the final act of His work which He came to do here on earth. This work, the work o f redemption, began with His birth in Bethlehem and ended thirty-three years later when “ a cloud received him out of their sight.” We may well ask, “ Why did Jesus go back to heaven? Why was it necessary for Him to return to the Father’s throne?” We read in the Gospels that, in the forty days between His resurrection and ascension, He appeared several times to the disciples. Would it not have been bet­ ter if He had continued these appearances through the years? Would it not have greatly encouraged the church through the centuries to have had occasional visits from the Head of the church? But would this method of intermittent appearances have been best for the world, the church, or the individual Christian? We think not, for if it had, most assuredly the Lord would have continued it. His return to the Father provided far better things. It became the ground for assur­ ance concerning certain cardinal facts. T h e W o r k o f R e d e m p t io n W a s C o m p l e t e d The purpose of Christ’s coming into the world He Himself had often stated. He declared, “ I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)., “ For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk. 19:10 ). “ For the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to min­ ister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mk. 10:45). In these, as well as in other passages, Jesus plainly reveals that He came into the world solely to take upon Himself the sin of mankind. Throughout His earthly life, He resolutely pursued the course that would lead Him to the cross. As He hung there, an object of ridicule and scorn to the mobs, but a Saviour for all who would accept Him, He cried: “ It is finished.” The work He had come to do was completed. The ascension attested this fact. T h e H ig h P r ie s t E n t e r e d w i t h i n t h e V e il The high priest of the old Levitical order, on the day of atonement, offered the sacrifice, took the blood, and approached the sacred veil, parted it, and stepped within, into the immediate presence of God; the veil closed behind him, and the priest disappeared from view. We, too, have a High Priest who came to the place of the altar, shedding His blood, bowing His head, and giving up the ghost. Thus the Victim, the vicarious Victim, was *Pastor, The Federated Church.

slain, and His blood was poured out beside the altar. But there came the day when He took His own blood to enter, not “ into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence o f God for us” (Heb. 9 :24 ). His disciples saw Him as He approached the veil; and even as He spread forth His hands in blessing, His body began to ascend, and higher and higher He went until “ a cloud re­ ceived him out of their sight.” He returned to heaven; He entered within the veil to become our High Priest. He is there day and night doing His priestly work at the Fa­ ther’s throne for us. His ascension makes this sure. T h e W a y W a s P r e p a r e d fo r t h e C o m in g o f t h e H o l y S p ir it But, we may ask, why did the Holy Spirit have to come? Would it not have been better for Jesus Himself to have remained with us? We think not. It was better for the Holy Spirit to come than for Jesus to stay, because the Holy Spirit was to do a work that only He Himself could do. Our Lord explained it thus, “ Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you ; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” These and other passages give us the promise of the coming o f the Spirit. But why was it better for the Spirit to come than for Jesus to stay ? What was the work the Spirit could do that Jesus could not do? I D ir s t o f a l l , the Spirit is instrumental in our salvation. What Christ has done for us, the Holy Spirit does in us. He convicts us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:8-11). He creates the new life (John 3 :5 ). He baptizes us into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12: 13). He seals us unto the day o f redemption (Eph. 4 :30 ). The Holy Spirit also dwells within us for our sancti­ fication— to make us a temple of God (1 Cor. 3 :16 ), to enable us to be victorious over sin (Rom. 6 ), and to live out the Christ-life in us (Gal. 2:20). A P l a c e is B e in g P r e p ar e d f o r U s In John 14:2, in answer to Peter’s question, “ Whither goest thou?” Jesus told the disciples that He was going back to the Father’s house to prepare a place for us. Does it not seem strange to us that heaven, with its mansions, its gates of pearl, and its walls of jasper, needs any prepara­ tion for our coming? Yet that is why Jesus said He was going back—to prepare a place for us. ( Continued on page 206)

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THAT GREW By W AD E C. SM ITH Greensboro, l&fC.

o ne lesson taught me by the Little Jetts will remain; that is, to go slow about calling anything a trifle; and to go especially slow about calling it a trifle if it serves God’s Word— even just a little bit. It seemed by an accident that the Little Jetts came into being, and still more an accident that they arrived as preachers of the gospel at the very start; but I have long since ceased to think of them as ac­ cidental, for God has honored them in a most remarkable way, permitting them to become real exponents of His truth. It was on a Sunday afternoon about seventeen years ago, while thinking to introduce some new angle to the Bible story I was telling my two little girls, that I began to make some crude marks on the back of an envelope with a fountain pen. I had never had an art lesson, but won­ dered if they might guess what those cryptic little figures meant— if they might know what Bible characters I was trying to indicate. They promptly told me these first Little Jetts were Cain and Abel, standing by their respective al­ tars of sacrifice. This was correct, and I saw with much sat­ isfaction that we had entered a new and fascinating field for our Sunday afternoon Bible hour. All the old stories became new stories; they got a new dress, so to speak. The tale o f how, from that very incidental beginning, the Little Jetts got into Junior Life, a denominational weekly for children, and from that into a book which, when it came under the eye of Charles G. Trumbull, editor of the Sunday School Times, led him to invite the Little Jetts to occupy a “ pulpit” in that world-wide journal, reads like a romance. T h e L it t l e J e t t s B e c o m e M is s io n a r ie s The reactions which have come back to the pseudo­ artist have been very surprising, to say the least. Repro­ ductions of the Little Jetts as they were seen in the Sun­ day School Times have come with letters from the child­ ren of nearly every country on the globe. A missionary in Calcutta writes that she reproduces the Little Jetts from

the Times each week to other missionaries, both native and foreign, who come to her home from a twenty-mile radius around Calcutta. She puts figures (enlarged) on a board before them, while they copy them on their tablets, to re­ produce in the same manner upon returning to their sta­ tions. The Little Jetts never thought they would become missionaries in that way. A Chinese student in a mission high school in Hash­ ing worked for eight months, making a complete repro­ duction of the Little Jetts book, giving on each alternate page his own version of the Bible story illustrated; then he had his foreign teacher send it to me with his compliments. A coolie in Korea, who could neither read nor write, made an enlarged reproduction of the same book, and sent it to the author by the hands of a returning missionary. A n E n l a r g e d M in is t r y Similar “ come-backs” could be multiplied by the score, but perhaps they do not tell the most significant develop­ ment of the Little Jetts’ ministry. Invitations began to come to “ Father Jett” to bring his crude etchings to the platform, so he learned to draw them on white paper, thumb-pinned to a blackboard, using black and colored crayons, and thus to illustrate while telling the gospel story to audiences. The inevitable happened: he was a layman, but even while yet a layman, a church called him to be its pastor. Then he was licensed and ordained— “ by' extraor­ dinary process,” as the church court calls it. The little black figures, so incidental, so apparently inconsequential, had led their designer into the ministry of the gospel! Recently, I have had the great pleasure of “ Jetting” Pilgrim’s Progress, after rewriting Bunyan’s story and abridging it considerably. The Little Jetts simply romped up and down with this wonderful allegory. Christian with his burden, slipping into the Slough of Despond, and pom­ pous Mr. Worldly-Wiseman made easy marks for the little silhouettes. They chuckled with glee in the portrayal of



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deep conviction by which he himself abides unswervingly —but he should be very careful to give to his equally de­ vout and spiritual fellow Christian the same right to follow his conviction. E strangement to be O vercome ZJjf t present you are estranged from Brother So-and-So because he disagrees with your interpretation of the ten toes of the image of the prophecy of Daniel; but by and by, when you and he together feel the full weight of the foot of the oppressor, you will love him even if he holds an opinion different from yours as to which modern nation is represented by the fifth toe of the right foot, or the great toe of the left. Today you are not on speaking terms with Brother Smith because he considers that the Sermon on the Mount belongs wholly to the church or to the kingdom; tomorrow you may share the same prison cell with him, suffering for righteousness’ sake, when you will comfort each other with the beatitude of Matthew 5 :10. Now you are at war with your brethren, because they do not see eye to eye with you in identifying the beast and the false prophet; but since in at least one European nation the principle of Revelation 13:16 and 17 is already working, and since neither you nor your loved brethren will submit to the acceptance of the mark of the beast, you may presently be thankful to have the cheer of their com­ panionship as together you travel to the stake. Brethren, it was not for differences of opinion such as these that our forefathers gave their lives on the hills of Scotland and in the valleys of Italy, and such things should not divide us today. When the tide is out, the fishes in the various little rock-pools may consider their special pool to be the ocean; but when the tide comes in, all the rock divisions are ob­ literated, and they find that the brotherhood of fishes is a much larger one than they thought. Heaven send us such a tidal wave today, for it is my solemn conviction that at no distant date we shall need each other very much indeed. G reat M en D isagree esley and W hitfield were two of the most won­ derfully used servants of God that ever lived, and yet on some points of doctrine they found themselves in'oppo­ site camps. Grieving over this fact and earnestly desiring to end all controversy, Whitfield wrote to his contempor­ ary as follows: “ My honored friend and brother, for once hearken to a child, who is willing to wash your feet. I beseech you by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, if you would have my love confirmed toward you, write no more to me about the misrepresentations wherein we differ. Why should we dispute when there is no pos­ sibility o f convincing? Will it not in the end destroy broth­ erly love, and insensibly take from us that cordial union and sweetness of soul which I pray God may always sub­ sist between us ? How glad would the enemies of our Lord be to see us divided! How would the cause of our common Master in every way suffer by our raising disputes about particular points of doctrine! Honored sir, let us offer sal­ vation freely to all by the blood of Jesus, and whatever light God has communicated to us, let us freely communi­ cate to others.” Friends o f Jesus, break the barriers Men have reared on every side, Make a living Christ the Center, Gather round the Crucified.

Christian’s plight in Doubting Castle with Giant Despair, with Mr. By-Ends, Mr. Pickthank, and the experiences in Vanity Fair. But oh, that fight with Apollyon! If ever a real artist had more fun picturing a combat, it would be hard to imagine. For about sixteen years, the Little Jetts have been en­ joying the privileges of their ministry. Quite a number of propositions have come to them to go into commercial busi­ ness, as into the advertising field, or into cartoon syndica­ tions for the secular press. A bank in Pennsylvania offered to give them their own price for a weekly strip, advertising the savings department to the coal miners; a flattering offer came to take the Chautauqua platform; but they have turned away from these, because they came into their be­ ing as little preachers of the gospel, and nothing else has ever appealed as so high a privilege as that. [Mr. Smith expects to be on the Pacific Coast during June, July, and August. His is a unique ministry, and one' that God greatly honors. Churches on the Pacific Coast, that are interested in securing the services o f a sane, gifted and magnetic Bible teacher, are invited to communicate with Mr. Smith at 303 Hendrix Street, Greenboro, N. C .— E ditor .] ^j ust prior to the outbreak of the EuropeanWar of 1914, the internal condition of England was one of strife and dis­ cord, of dissension and unrest. The Irish question had brought the country to the verge of .civil war; political animosities were extremely bitter; and on many controver­ sial matters, the people were sharply divided. Immediately war was declared, however, a truce on all these matters was called, petty quarrels ceased, and the nation rallied as one man to the defense of its threatened liberties. A nother S trategic H our y dear brothers , we are entering the final stage of the greatest conflict of the ages; serious things lie ahead for the church and the world; for there are forces at work all around us which in aim and ultimate development may necessitate our having to seal our testimony with our blood. Although these things are so, however, it is a sad but indisputable fact that the people of God are seriously divided. I earnestly desire to plead for the closing up of our ranks, and to urge that we should allow nothing to come between us and our fellow Christians but disloyalty to fundamental truth. Do not misunderstand me. I am not suggesting that you should relinquish one single conviction that has come to you from your study of God’s Word. But, as a writer of rare and penetrating insight has said, “While on all ex­ plicit declarations of Holy Writ there can be no yielding, and God asks for no surrender of principle or sacrifice of truth, a vast sphere remains where loving concession and mutual tolerance not only make a church more powerful, but also create one of life’s sweetest joys.” It should be very easy for each one of us to put these wise counsels into practice when we remember that “ there are some things which, by the precepts of Scripture, God shows to be wholly outside His will for the new man in Christ; but that in other things He guides by principles. Within this latter realm, there will inevitably be a wide difference in interpretation and in understanding. The conduct of every Christian should be undergirded with Close Up the Ranks B y G eorge H enderson

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