King's Business - 1932-05


May 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

establish his throne forever. -Thus it was that Jesus fin­ ally came down to earth to receive a kingdom. He came as Israel’s Messiah, offering Himself to them, but when Pilate set Him before the mob of people, saying, “ Behold your King,” they cried out, “ Away with him, crucify him.... We have no king but Caesar.” So he delivered Him to be crucified. They had openly said. they would not have this Man to reign over them, they had rejected Him as their King, and they had refused Him His kingdom. Forty days later, after He had risen from the dead, He said, “ I will go back to my Father, there to receive My kingdom. I will not ask for it again here.” But when, in God’s providence, the time has come for Him to re­ ceive His kingdom, it will be given to Him at the hand of the Father, and not at the caprice of mankind. T h e A s s u r a n c e o f H is R e t u r n W a s G iv e n • T r is n o t enough that, the work of redemption is com- -a~ pleted, that Jesus Christ has gone within the veil, that He is now our Advocate, that He is waiting to receive a kingdom. We look forward also to that time when He shall be crowned King of kings and Lord of lords, when “ every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” to that time when He shall have received His kingdom and shall reign forever and ever. But this will not be until He comes again. The ascension of our Lord tells us that He has gone back into heaven to take up His work there, but it also as­ sures us that He will come again for His own. This is confirmed by the words of the angels to the disciples, “ Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven ? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). And as His redeemed followers, we should be ever filled with praise for all that the ascension means in God’s great plan of salvation, and in the meantime, should concern ourselves with His command to “ occupy till he come.” Ii. Special Missionary Number o o k at the titles of these articles, appearing in the June issue o f T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , and see if you can afford to miss this special missionary number. P a u l ’ s A t t it u d e T o w a r d M is s io n s a n d O u r s By Robert H. Glover, M.D., Home Director for North America of the China Inland Mission. T h e C h a l l e n g e o f t h e E m p t y C h a i r U p o n t h e H il l s o f D e a t h By J. E. Mallis, pioneer missionary of the Ceylon and India General Mission. F r o m D a r k n e s s t o L ig h t By H. Virginia Blakeslee, M.D., of the Africa In­ land Mission. S a in t s f r o m t h e J u n g l e By J. Alexander Clarke, Cavalier of the Royal Or­ der of the Lion, for thirty years associated with the Belgian Congo branch of the Christian Mis­ sions in Many Lands, and a coworker with Dan Crawford. By L. L. Legters, “ a missionary to missionaries” and an authority on the life and history of the In­ dians of Central and South America. These are only a few of the good things that are in store for the readers of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . Y ou will want them all. T h e M a n a n d H is M e ssa g e

Y o n d e r is t h e E n e m y '*7' u s t b e fo re the battle of Trafalgar, Nelson inquired of «3 Admiral Collingwood where his captain was, and learned that he and Captain Rotherham were not on good terms with each other. Sending a boat for the captain, he placed the hands of Collingwood and Rotherham together, pointed to the enemy’s ships, and earnestly looking them both in the face, he uttered the simple words : “ Look— yonder is the enemy !” The effect was instantaneous. Dis­ agreements were forgotten, harmony was established, and victory was ultimately achieved. A Christian man, a cooper by trade, when he discovered any of his brethren inclined to be contentious or unfriend­ ly, would say : “ Brother, we are springing apart ; come in and let’s put on another hoop.” Then they would enter his humble dwelling and would “ put on another hoop,” as he termed it, by falling on their knees in prayer. According to Ernest Hello, “ if ever a man and a Chris­ tian should forget little personal divisions, it is surely on the field of battle. The soldier does not require that his comrade should be perfect; he does not try to rake up some grievance against him ; he knows that he is his com­ rade, that they are fighting side by side, that they are the sons o f the same country, and he does not stop to think of anything else.” Comrade at arms, in warfare unretreating, Brothers in faith, for life and death joined on! Heart unto heart, in truest concord beating, And each for all, until the fight be won. One is the foe, of. discord and dissension, One the attack, though camouflaged with skill, And one your stand o f faith, without declension Or turning back, or fear o f boding ill. Comrades at arms! Shall we in days o f battle Rake up old grievances, pick flaws and holes, And in this rain o f death turn to and grapple Each unto each, like fiendish wolves or ghouls? Pity o f Christ! Nay, we will love and cherish Our war-worn brothers, who resist the flood; Stand for our lives, destroy, slay, cause to perish, These sland’rous whisp’rings aimed against our God. Yea, more—we will rejoice! Look up and grieve not; The kingdom hastens, much must yet be done; We cease to hope for those for whom we strive not; All for each other: Forward! Carry on! — A uthor U nknown . WHY DID JESUS GO BACK TO HEAVEN? ( Continued from page 203) Surely, we may say, if heaven is good enough for the angels, the archangels, for God Himself, it is good enough for us! But, no, heaven with all its glory is not good enough for redeemed sinners. Jesus, who on earth worked at the carpenter’s bench, went back to heaven that He might prepare a place for you and me. What glory, what splendor, that place will have when we enter into it, we can only imagine by the time that it is taking Him in its preparation (1 Cor. 2 :9 ) ! T h e P r in c e H a s G o n e to R e c e iv e a K in g d o m Jesus went back to heaven to receive a kingdom for Himself. In two different parables—the pounds (Matt. 25:14-30) and the talents (Lk. 19:12-27)—we hear Jesus telling us how He came into! the world to receive a king­ dom. God had made a promise to David that He would

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