King's Business - 1932-05


May 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

You can earn money for your church or for yourself...... through securing subscriptions to T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E in our WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN

The School of the Golden W est

Liberal Cash Commissions and Additional Awards furnish genuine incentive to earn­ est workers. Additional Awards include trips to the Holy Land, Alaska, Amer­ ica’s Wonderland— Western Parks and

FREE BOARD A N D ROOM At Bible Institute of Los Angeles F REE tuition, save for nominal registration fee, is always given by Bible Institute of Los An­ geles to accepted applicants, but under the terms of the WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIPTION CAM­ PAIGN, free board and room also are obtainable. Free board and room mean that the student is re­ lieved from the necessity of part-time employment . . . he can devote full time and effort to the study of God’s Word . . . he thus gains most from the days spent at the. Institute. There is a world-wide need for men and women with training such as is given by the faculty of Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The truth is, a thousand million lie down nightly without a knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Bible Institute of Los Angeles is interdenomina­ tional and international . . . represented in the student body during the year ending June 30, 1931 were 39 denominations, 33 states and 17 countries. Pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, singers, musicians, Christian educational directors and others attest to the indispensable character of the training at the Institute. Under the terms of the WORLD-WIDE SUB­ SCRIPTION CAMPAIGN if you are a full-time or part-time worker, you yourself as a student at the Institute may enjoy free board and room. Or if you are working for your Church you may desig­ nate some promising young person of your Church to be the happy recipient of the free board and room. Our special circular, “WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN,” gives details . . . the coupon herewith will bring it to you at once. The G ist of Our Offer CASH COMMISSIONS— The regular subscription price of T he K ing ' s B usiness is $1.50 for one year; $2.50 for two years. Subscriptions in coun­ tries outside of the United States require 25c extra for each year. We will pay you, if you have been appointed our agent, the sum of 50c for each one-year subscription and the sum of 75c for each two-year subscription that you send to us when the subscriber that you have secured has paid for the subscription at the regular rate; subscriptions may be either old or new. Commissions apply whether you are working for your Church or for yourself. ADDITIONAL AWARDS— Besides the commissions just mentioned, extraordinary awards, or cash options if preferred, are offered that make this W OR LD -W IDE SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN the greatest subscrip­ tion campaign ever undertaken by T he K ing ’ s B usiness .

’TIS A PRIVILEGE TO ENTER HERE Clip this Coupon Before You Turn the Page

T he K ing ’ s B usiness 536-558 S outh H ope S treet , L os A ngeles , C alifornia

Please send me full particulars of your WORLD-WIDE SUBSCRIP­ TION CAMPAIGN, with the several circulars mentioned herein. I am particularly interested in your proposition to □ Church Workers

□ Whole-Time Workers □ Part-Time Workers.

Name ______ .________________________!_________________!_____________________

_ ________■ ,• “

St. N o. or R .F.D .. ________:_________ _________________________ !___________ ___ . i...

City .... _______________ '___ — _________— ____ ____________________ ____________________ ..._______________.___

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