King's Business - 1932-05


A Whole Biblical Library COMPLETE, COMPACT IN ONE HANDY VOLUME! • “The Outstanding Facts Given in the New Analytical Bible in connection with each of the sixty-six Books are worth the price of the complete vol­ ume, in your best binding. Certainly no min­ ister, Sunday School teacher, or church work­ er who knows of the NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE would deprive himself or herself of the many scholarly, time-saving helps it contains.” The quotation above is from a well-known minister who did not think he needed a new Bible until he saw and examined the NEW ANALYTICAL. This is a new kind of Bible —nothing else like it ever published—just off the press. A Whole Biblical Library Compact in One Handy Volume The NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE con­ tains the complete Bible text. It is not sim­ ply a collection of Bible helps but a complete Biblical library containing both the Old and New Testaments in the King James Version, with 5,556 bracketed renderings taken from the American Standard Version and placed in the text where they belong. In the NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLE the references follow each verse instead of being placed in fine print in the center. Before each of the sixty-six books there is an introductory page, giving date, author, design, and other valuable information. There are 42 full-page analytical charts, placed just before the Books to which they refer. Analytical Outlines Following each Book there is an outline which will help you in the preparation of your sermon, your Sunday School lessons, or in your Bible study. Outstanding Facts You can read in a few minutes the out­ standing facts on any of the sixty-six books of the Bible, and get a far more comprehen­ sive idea of what the book contains than from reading the book itself. You, too, will re­ gard this one feature as worth the price of the complete volume. Contemporaneous History In connection with most of the Books of the Bible a contemporaneous history is given. For example, what was going on in Baby­ lonia, in Egypt, or among the Moabites and Ammonites at the time Genesis was written? What were the Assyrians, Phoenicians and Greeks doing when the book of Judges was written? These and hundreds of other ques­ tions are answered in the “ Contemporaneous History.” FR EE Catalog It is impossible to describe this great work completely in this space. Let us send you our new two-color catalog containing specimen pages and descriptive price list. It is abso­ lutely FREE. Clip and mail the coupon with the facts before you so as not to miss this opportunity for richer spiritual living and greater mastery of Bible truths.

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