King's Business - 1932-05

ISN'T this World-Wide Subscription Campaign of The King's Business the best ever? You read about it, didn't you, in last month's K. B.? Have you sent in your coupon for "all" the information? Say, those trips that are offered are surely appealing, aren't they? More than likely you've decided long be­ fore now which one you're working for. And we hope you'll be successful in earning the trip of your choice. our editor H O W do you like this informal like­ ness of our Editor, snapped by Rev. Alan S. Pearce? O f course, Dr. White is Editor, but he's turned this page over to us and told us that we can choose our own topics for our friendly chat. So we're going to take the leeway he has given us and tell you how he spends some of his time. As you know, he is President of the Institute as well as Editor of The King's Busi­ ness. Dr. White is busy in his office dur­ ing daylight hours and in his study during evening hours, save when his time is demanded for some public ad­ dress or other duty for the Institute. Frequently he has to leave his office or study to address some organization or group that wants to hear his sane inspiring message. But do you know, Dr. White isn't satisfied with working only six days of the week for his Lord. His Sundays are full, too! On a re­ cent Sunday, in the morning he drove to San Pedro and delivered a sermon in the First Presbyterian Church. The afternoon found him back in Los Angeles taking part in the pro­

friendly chat..

and cheer wing their way from Biola­ chimes to hundreds of listening ears, throughout the Institute, on the streets below and in surrounding buildings. peter plotkin W E'D like to introduce to you a new member of our family, Dr. Peter Plot- kin. He is a Russian Jew; a devoted Christian; a talented artist; an elo­ quent speaker. It was his skillful brush that por­ trayed the Christ, specter-like, in wake of battle in midst of dead and dying, in the oil painting, "Never Alone," awarded the prize of the American Legion several years ago. And it is his skillful brush that has just completed three new matchless Christian masterpieces, "The King of Kings," "Isaiah," and "David." Presently, these masterpieces will be exhibited in various churches throughout Southern California and later in other sections of the country. When exhibiting the paintings Dr. Plotkin will tell something about them and at the same time relate the thrill­ ing story of his life, the climax of which is his stirring conversion to Christianity! If you live in South­

sacrifice DR. WH ITE is eagerly watching the mail for your answer to the letter he sent you a couple of weeks ago, tell­ ing about the little old lady who gave the gold dollar to her Lord in sweet and voluntary sacrifice. But do you know, a certain person has written us an anonymous letter, (we don't know why anyone is obliged to send us an anonymous letter), tell­ ing us that we have "violated all of the principles of the Sermon on the Mount" in accepting the gold dollar i to aid in the Master's work. The Mas­ ter made the supreme sacrifice for all of us, even our anonymous brother. Then, surely, the little old lady should not be prevented from making win­ some sacrifice for the Master should she care to evidence her love in that fashion. Life, robbed of the spirit of sacrifice, would be a stupendously selfish affair. In an old people's home in Los An­ geles is a certain old lady. When she heard about the gold dollar that had been given to us for the Lord's work she immediately gave us a gold dol­ lar that she had had for many years, declaring that it was "a drop in the bucket, but lying away doing no good." If everyone who knows of the need for additional gifts in the Lord's ser­ vice here at the Institute would re­ spond as generously as did the two elderly ladies with the gold dollars the immediate requirement for funds would be met. biolachimes IT'S half past nine o'clock in the morn­ ing* From the belfry far above us we hear Biolachimes pealing forth "Sweet Hour of Prayer." Through the buildings students and employees are stopping their tasks, bowing their heads in silent commun­ ion with God and asking His blessing upon the Institute. A new custom is this early morning ringing of Biolachimes, but already it has become a necessary part of Biola- jifet When the sun is at meridian height and again at five in the afternoon, fa­ miliar hymns with messages of hope

gram of the University Bible Clubs under the auspices of The Church of the Open Door in our own auditorium. And t h e evening found him in Holly­ wood addressing the First P re sb yte ria n Church. He is busy. But he's never too busy for a pleasant word and a smile! We'll let you in on e little secret. We've been holding this page back from the press so that Dr. W h i t e wouldn't have so much of a chance to change any of thisfriendly chat,

ern California a n d would like Dr. Plotkin to come to y o u r church, just write our Business Manager, Mr. O. Howard Lucy who is in charge of all reservations. radio W E'D like to know how you are enjoying our broadcasts. Our regu­ lar periods over KFAC, Los Angeles are 10:30 a.m to 11:15 a.m. Tues­ day to Friday inclu­ sive, and 6:05 p.m. to 6:20 p.m. Tuesday. Our regular period

Dr. White

should he want to! Goodbye! We're off to press! Hope the Doctor has lost his blue pencils— every last one of them. — the friendly chat editor

over KHJ, Los Angeles is on Friday from 12:15 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Why not send us a postal letting us know how you are enjoying our ministries of the air? We want them all to be truly helpful.

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