King's Business - 1932-05


T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

May 1932


JUNE 4 W orking T ogether for G ood

JUNE 1 M arvelously H elped

Folding Organs Acknowledged the beet

"W e know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur­ pose” (Rom. 8:28). All things work together for good to them that love God. Everything from the thunder that awakens to the child’s cry that touches the hard heart! Everything, from the flood taking life with it, to the spring leaving the mountainside and hur­ rying into the valley to quench the thirst of man and beast; from the dewdrop hang­ ing on the cheek o f the rosebud, to the tear on the eyelid, pressed from a grief- stricken heart! Everything, from the cy­ clone leaving death in its wake, to the breeze blowing through yonder bough, rocking the bird and her young to sleep; or the cooling zephyrs, stealing through the broken window shutter at eventide to kiss the face of a dying child! Every­ thing, from the Boxer’s blade to the sur­ geon’s knife; from the mountain before which we stand in awe, to the mound in the cemetery near which we stand and feel nearer God! It is ofttimes true that the sweetest hearts are those that bleed, and often sorrow strikes the key for our sweet­ est songs. Under the alchemy of the grace of Him who spoke order out o f chaos, and light out o f darkness, your sorrow will be turned into joy. “ The flower Bethlehem saw bloom Out of a heart all full o f grace, Gave never forth its full perfume Until the cross became its vase.” — J ohn A. W ray . JUNE S T he U se of the R od “ Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” (Psa. 23:4). Perhaps you have often wondered, the same as I have, how the rod and the staff could be a comfort, when, figuratively

“I am weak" (Psa. 6 :2 ). How weak Hezekiah proved himself to be when God left him to himself, that he might know all that was in his heart, in the matter o f the ambassadors from Baby­ lon ! St. Paul, the great apostle of the Gen­ tiles, whose labors and sufferings for Christ place him in the foremost rank of all the servants o f God, was fully con­ scious of his own utter weakness. But the Lord gave him the all-assuring promise: “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” This was enough. The apostle’s prompt re­ ply w as: “Most gladly will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” It would be, in every way, bad for us, if we became self-strong. An example is given us in the case o f Uzziah. He “was marvelously helped till he was .strong" When that took place, how miserably he went astray and failed! Better, a thousand times, had he remained utterly weak, and been still “marvelously helped.” His very name (Uzziah— strength o f the Lord ) should have been a perpetual reminder to him o f the true source of all success. God can and will use the weak ones.—J. T. W . JUNE 2 I n the L ight of the M orning “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge” (Psa. 19:2). Our life, after a night o f trial has passed over us, should be a life of truer aims, o f steadier walk, o f higher level, o f keener, purer vision. I f not, we have suffered in vain. During the night, much was o f necessity hidden from us. But the morning dis­ closes what the night had hidden. It shows us how desperate the struggle was be­ tween us and our God, o f which at the time we were hardly aware. It shows the amount o f patience, love, and faithfulness that have been expended on us by God. It shows the extent o f the evil in us which had drawn down the chastening. It puts us in a position for bringing into practice the knowledge of the world’s vanity and wretchedness which sorrow had taught us. Thus the morning carries out the lessons o f the night, and gives us opportunity for exemplifying them. And thus the alterna­ tion o f trial and rest, which makes up our lot on earth, is in truth but a succession of lessons and of opportunities for practicing them.— H oratius B onar . JUNE 3 R estoration “I f a brother be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness” (Gal. 6:1 ). It is the truly spiritual only who can restore others from failure, and he, in the spirit o f meekness, considering himself. Abraham, by the very name he gives to the child, perpetuates the memory of his own sinful unbelief and God’s faithfulness in spite o f all—Isaac. The laugh o f unbelief is turned into the joyous laughter of a grateful heart, but the old laugh is not for­ gotten. Even in heaven itself, when our God has forgotten, we shall not forget; and the remembrance o f our own un­ worthiness in the midst o f all the promises fulfilled shall enhance our gratitude and joy, and shall teach us better than even here the meaning of those wondrous words, “the grace of God.” — R obert M c K illiam .

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