King's Business - 1932-05

DoYouNeedMoney? This Timely Book Shows You a Good Thing to do when Times are Hard and Jobs are Scarce If $6 or $7 a day would be enough to tide you over until things pick up again, here's a plan you'll be glad to hear about. You might as well make up your mind that “ the good old days” are gone—at least temporarily. The $80, $90 and $100 a week jobs are things of yesterday. But there's still a chance to make good money—if you line up with the right organization. Right now I need about 150 more honest, ambitious men and women for responsible positions now open in many localities. If you have the necessary qualifications, I'll be glad to appoint you ^ for one of them. With my new Plan, $6 or $7 a day is practically assured—right from the ^ start. With any kind of effort at all, you should be able to make up to $15 a day. y * In this small space I can’t give you any of the details. But everything is ex- ^ plained in the Free Book pictured here. Send for it—read it—then decide for ^ yourself. The Book doesn’ t post. a n«nnv—now nr pvpr Sn mail tho . a « i . penny now or ever. So ail the coupon for your copy today—right now—before one of your neighbors ^

M A Y S P E C I A L S ON BiolaBooks Jamieson, Fausset & Brown A Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible With introduction to Old Testament lit­ erature, a pronouncing dictionary of Scripture proper names, tables of weights and measures, and an index to the entire Bible. Just what you need to help you in hard places. Four Volumes in One Formerly sold at $7.50 each May only, postpaid $2.75 each Here’s what $1 .00 will Buy The Life o f Christ A Harmony of the Four Gospels By E. S. Young Nine maps, tracing all the journeys of Jesus, and giving all of the events in the chronological order and time of their occurrence. Questions are ar­ ranged at the close of each section or paragraph to bring out the important teaching of the scripture under discus­ sion. Formerly sold at $1.50 each May only, postpaid $1.00 each The Acts o f the Apostles By E. S. Young The book is a companion to the Life of Christ by the same author. Both books are ideally arranged for home or Bible class study. Formerly sold at $1.50 each May only, postpaid $1.00 each Things New and Old By C. I. Scofield This volume is a compilation of Old and New Testament Bible studies covering very interesting historical portions of the Old Testament and the four Gos­ pels. In addition to these studies, Dr. Scofield gives a number of his lectures and addresses on some very important themes, such as “ The Church and the Churches,” “ The Work of the Indwell­ ing Spirit,” “ The Work of Faith,” etc. Formerly sold at $2.00 each May only, postpaid $1.00 each The World’s Greatest Need By T. E. H. Jones This book is an attempt to meet an ex­ isting need for something that will bring home to the heart the vital truths of the Word of God. The author says, “ What the world seems to need most at the present time is one voice and one grand unanimous call from the pul­ pit through a re-emphasizing of those truths that in former days turned the world upside down. A cts 17:6.” Formerly sold at $2.50 each May only, postpaid $1.00 each Ask for our Latest Book Catalog and Special Prices on Bibles BIOLA BOOK ROOM

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