FyzicalElPaso: Is Balance Setting Up An Injury?


October, 2019



Reduces Fall Risk • Improve Balance In Minutes • Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe

Whether you have poor balance or have been suffering for a long time, seeing a physical therapist at Fyzical Therapy & Balance Centers can help you return to a more active and pain-free life. Give us a call at (915) 330-8854 today!

Did you know that 1/3 of the population over 65 falls each year? Every 11 seconds, an olderadult isrushed to theemergencyroomfora fall.Every19minutes,anolderadultdies fromafall.AccordingtotheCentersforDiseaseControl(CDC),over2.5millionadultswere treatedfornonfatal injuries inemergencydepartments in2013. Inolderadults,fallsare the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries. Most people don’t think about keeping their balance inshapeuntil it is too lateand theysufferaharsh fall.Thegoodnews is thatmost fallscaneasilybeprevented,simplybytheregularexercisingofyourbalancesystem. Ifyou haverecentlysustainedabalance-related injury, it is importanttoseekthehelpofaphysical therapist immediately, inordertoavoidadditional injuries inthefuture. It is importanttonote thatyoushouldalsocontactaphysicaltherapist ifyouhaveanyofthefollowingsymptoms: •Dizzinessorvertigo (“spinning”sensations,evenwhen remainingstill) • Inability to focusor remainalert •Doublevisionor tunnelvision •Nauseaorvomiting •Armor legweakness •Abnormaleyemovements •Difficultystandingup fromaseatedpositionorstanding forprolongedperiodsof time Do you frequently notice an imbalance, dizziness, or unsteadiness that makes you feel as if you may fall over at any given time? Have you suffered from a fall in the past? Are you worried that you may be at risk of sustaining a fall-related injury? If so, contact Fyzical Therapy & Balance Centers today so we can help you figure out the root of your problem and treat itaccordingly.

Am I at risk of falling? Somepeoplehaveahigher riskof falling thanothers. Certain risk factors include:

•Advancedage •Being female

•Livingasedentary life •Previoushistoryof falls •Vertigoordizziness •Parkinson’sdisease •Alzheimer’sdisease •Heartdisease •Diabetes

•Previousstrokeorheartattack •Arthritisoralternative jointpain •Problemswithvision •Problemswithwalkingorstayingbalanced •Fatigue •Overallpoorhealth

Yourphysicaltherapistwillassessyourmedicalhistorytodeterminehowmanyrisk factors toward falling you may have. They will educate you on what these factors mean,aswellasstepsyoucantaketodecreaseyourrisk.Afterthis,theywillperforma thoroughphysicalevaluationtofigureoutwhatthebesttreatmentplanforyouwillbe.

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