¡CHOICECLEANINGS' ■■CALENDAR THE CHRISTIAN S D.DTTWEAP0N1 (DispensingDaily Tenderness) This attractive calendar has daily scripture readings—a memory verse for every day—a Christian experience and a poetic gem—yes, 365 of
To L. W. and Mrs. Weeks (Patricia Cushman ’39) a daughter, Carol Janice, June 17th, 916 Sitka St., El Monte, Calif. To Karl A. ’44 and Mrs. Gettmann, a son, Alan Charles, Aug. 30th. Karl is serving under the American Sunday School Union, 704 Western Ave., Trini dad, Colo. Wedding Bells A wedding of unusual interest to Biola Family Circle is that of Ken Hall to Miss Edith Johnson ’32, Aug. 6th, at the First Presbyterian Church of Greeley, Colo., Dr. Paul W. Rood officiating. Mrsi W. E. Kliewer (Alma Schindler ’23) was Ma tron of Honor. Mr. Hall is vice-president of the Gideon organization and secretary of the Christian Business Men’s Com mittee of Glendale. Mrs. Hall is secre tary to Dr. Paul W. Rood, president of the World’s Christian Fundamentals As sociation. The Halls will make their home in the beautiful country place of Dr. W. E. ’22, and Mrs. Kliewer, 412 Ashburton PL, Glendale, while the Klie- wers are on an extended vacation tour. Elcho Fair Redding ’47 B.Th. and Mil dred Marga/ret Kooistra ’46 and ’47, Aug. 22d, at The First Presbyterian Church in Yakima, Wash. Samuel Joseph Gallagher ’46 B.Th. and Dorothy June Siemens, Aug. 28th, at The Mennonite Brethren Church in Orland, Calif. Cletus E. Osborne and Anne Hersch ’45, Aug. 31st, at The First Baptist Church in San Francisco, Calif. Bill Hirose and Denko Yanaginuma, Aug. 28th, at the Nisei Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. Richard R. Davies and Eunice Mary McIntosh, Sept. 11th, at the Cal vary Church, Santa Ana, Calif. George Geftakys, Jr. and Betty 0. Jes sup ’47, Sept. 11th, at the Go Ye Fel lowship, 1307 North Waterloo, Los An geles, Calif. Louis Klassen and Sophie Olfert ’46, June 20th, at Mountain Lake, Minn. LANTERN SLIDES JL. Glass slides, 2" x 2” and 3%^, x 4" from your films and snapshots. The exclusive service for mission aries and Christian workers world-wide, from whom many appreciative letters have been re ceived. Colored slides. Either size. Reasonably priced. No lists. Phone CLeveland 66129. C. WHITFIELD SIMS 6176 Myosotis St. Los Angeles 42, Calif.
them for 1948. Once you have a "Choice Glean ings'* Calendar you would never be without one. Send only $1. It provides a daily mailing piece to your less fortunate friends. Order now.
Get the habit of mailing comforting scripture texts, plus a Christian experience and poem to one whom it can comfort most. A new one for every day.
Ave N.E.Crand Rapids. Mich.
A Jewish M issionary Tells of Hunger, Soup Kitchens, Malnutrition and Suicide
Our Hebrew Chris tian leader in Bu charest, Roumania, w r ite s : “ We have opened u.p a popu lar Kitchen. Daily we feed 120 Hebrew Christians and their families, also some Jews. Another 150 people of the same ca teg o ry who live far away from the
of malnutrition. Few are able to earn enough for daily bread. A man who works in a factory earns only enough to buy one pound of flour for himself and his family.” This is the naked truth: Hunger, mal nutrition, and consequent illness, suicide and premature death. These victims of the Nazi persecutions and survivors of concentration camps in Europe must be helped first. Please do help us to carry on the Christ-like ministry of material and spiritual relief throughout Europe and Palestine. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food parcel. $10.00 will support an orphan child for a month. A folder of “ News Letters from He brew Christians in Europe” sent on re quest.
The Rev. Jacob Peltz
Kitchen receive corresponding food ar ticles. We must now open up a Kitchen in Calati where there is a greater num ber of Hebrew Christians.” “ Hunger daily increases. One brother had nothing in his mouth but water for three days. One Jewish woman killed her only child, because she could not see him starve to death. So many of our brethren are ill of tuberculosis because
International Hebrew Christian Alliance O.S.A. Address gifts and communications to: Canada 49I9 N. Albany Avenue Rev. j acob pe|h ph B- g D Secretary 91 Bellevue Avenue Chicago 25, Illinois Dept. B Toronto, Ontario
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The CHRISTUFE MAGAZINE is non-denom- inational and fundamental in character. • Issued every other month • Contains fea ture articles, poems, Bible quizzes, book re views, etc. * All of this for 50c a year or $1.00 for 2 years. ChristianServicePress p
Vol. 2 . “ Things That Accompany Salvation”, Vol. 3 . “ Things Hard To Be Understood”, and Vol. 4 . “ Things Shortly To Com e To P a s s ”
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