King's Business - 1947-11


J S ^ O , m a à (Continued from Page 11)

Familiar scenes — Reverent in treatment. Full color 2 " x 2" slides in Eastman Ready-Mounts, .50 ea. S.V.E. binding, .60 ea. Taped glass binding, .65 ea. Send for free list. FRED VISSER 139% So. Westmoreland Ave. Ph. FEderal 5008 Los Angeles 4, Calif.

I saw, and could have felt what I felt. But God can put into your hearts as He did in mine the sense of urgency to get the Gospel out before the night comes when no man can work. China is calling to us for messengers; how shall they hear without preachers? We must re­ cruit thousands of China’s young men to train and send forth with the Gospel. It is the only thing that will combat Communism, which recently announced its return to its. original objective of international conquest (which it never did actually abandon). The young Chinese are enamored of everything American. They want, above all things, to learn our language, and to come to our country. They are convinced that there is to be another world war, in which they are determined to be on the side of the United States. This makes China particularly our mission field, and furnishes us the opportunity of a lifetime to evangelize the youth, of which we must take advantage. The doors are open to the Gospel now; only God knows whether in a year from now they will be. Let us dedicate our­ selves anew to the unfinished task of evangelizing that great land. Let us pray, and work, and give with all of our hearts until the day dawns and the shad­ ows flee away, and we shall see the King in His beauty. May China’s need become our need, and our Saviour China’s Saviour. Pause! Be still! Selah! Not a word, emphatically; not even a look that will mar the sweet serenity of soul. Get still. Know God. Keep silence before Him. Stillness is better than noise. Not a word of murmuring or complain­ ing in supplication; not a word of nag­ ging or persuading. Let language be simple, gentle, quiet; you utter not a word, but give Him opportunity to speak. Hearken to hear His voice. This is the way to honor and to know Him. Not a word—not the last word! Listen to obey. Words make trouble. Be still. This is the voice of the Spirit. Take no thought' for tomorrow; worry not about home, church, or business cares. Cast all on Him, and not a word. We think so hard, pray so hard, and trust so hard, that we become unrestful and disquieted and noisy, and thus drive Him away. Restlessness, fret, and worry, make the place of His abiding unpleasant, and He leaves. Not a word to anyone of your worries, or of desire to know what to do. Take it not out of His hands. He is to keep in perfect peace; do not go to an­ other for wisdom or direction. (Continued on Page SO) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

village, l e a v i n g it completely undis­ turbed, without their testimony of the Messiah. I thought, too, of the eagerness of the Samaritan woman, who, after be­ lieving the Gospel for herself, rushed to the village in the hottest part of the day, shouting to all: “ Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did; is not this the Christ?” I also recalled the ready response of the men, who, in their great haste, took the shortcut to the well. Gathering their white robes about them, they left the path that led -around the field, and made their way directly with great haste to the Saviour. What I was beholding below our plane was strangely similar: Outside a small Chinese village, standing on a mound a little distance from the highway, were a native preacher and his co-workers. As they sounded forth the Gospel, white- gowned Chinese, in their eagerness to reach him, forgot the narrow path around the dried-up rice paddies, and poured into the fields themselves to hear the message. The sight of these hungry Chinese listeners impressed deeply upon my heart the words of Jesus to His dis­ ciples on that day in Samaria: “ Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” Yes, I saw China’s need. With my own eyes, I beheld the whitened harvest fields. I wish with all of my heart that all of you who read this article could have stood with me, could have seen what N OT railing for railing, not a word. How much is lost by a word! Be still; keep quiet; if they smite on one cheek, turn the other also. Never retort. Hush—not a word. Never mind your reputation or character—they are in His hands, and you mar them by try­ ing to retain them. Do not strive, or try, or cry. Open not your mouth. Silence. A word will grieve, disturb, frighten away, the gentle Dove. Hush—not a word. Are you misunder­ stood? Never mind! Will it hurt your influence and weaken your power for good? Leave it to Him. His to take care and charge. Are you wronged and your good name tarnished? All right. Be it yours to be meek and lowly, simple and gentle—not a word. Let Him keep you in perfect peace; stay your mind on Him; trust in Him. Hush! Be quiet be­ fore the world and rest in Him. Not a word of argument, debate, or contro­ versy. Mind your own business; be still. Never judge or condemn, never arraign or censure. Not a word! Never an un­ clean or an unkind expression. Never a doubt or a fear. Never a disparaging re­ mark of another. As you would others should do to you, so do ye. Ut -A


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