King's Business - 1947-11

We have been 54 years PREACHING THE GOSPEL IN THE LAND OF 265,000,000 Hindus — 100,000,000 Muslims INDIA idol worshipers—followers of the False Prophet Free literature and information available on request Ceylon and India General Mission 128 South Lombard Ave., Oak Park, 111. A STUDY INPROPHECY A 12-page Scriptural study Christian Witness to Israel Room 205, 69 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y . Send for FREE copy of

December 28, 1947 "BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW" 2 C or . 5:17-19

Christ. The first is usually a mixture of saved and unsaved, those who are lost, and those who are redeemed by the Blood. There are together the spiritually living and the dead. The local church is known by many names and is divided into many groups, but a true local church would be one in which there were no unsaved, and in which all recognized the Lordship of Christ as' the Head of the church. God’s universal church con­ sists of all believers everywhere outside of heaven. When the believer accepts Christ, he takes his place with the peo­ ple of God. He comes into their fellow­ ship and supports their program. He establishes a gulf between his own life and the lives of the ungodly. He is in the church and of it. . A N ew A ttitude T oward the W orld J as . 4 :4 The Christian is not of this world, but is a pilgrim and a stranger in it. He is here on business for his King. He is here to win souls to Christ and to help the Christians in their path of need. His hopes and ambitions are not according to the course of this world. He is heaven- bom and heaven-bound and on his way through the enemy’s land. He recognizes that the unsaved are enemies of God and in the hands of Satan. He realizes that his attitude toward them is that of a helper to bring them to God, and not as a fellow companion to enjoy the ways of sin. He seeks to glorify God, to honor Christ, and to make known the Scrip­ tures. He is God’s man in Satan’s coun­ try. The Lord enable each Christian to be fully that. --------------------- _line of Bibles, Books, Mottoes, Greeting Cards, Calendars, Sunday School Supplies. Easy pleasant work—Liberal Commissions. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■a WRITE TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS THE HIGLEY PRESS fifttä . CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring: St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. A G E N T S W A N T E D Make good money sell­ ing our quick moving merchandise. Complete

O n e of the great transformations which accompanies salvation is seen in the radical change of heart and mind toward the things which are seen and the things which •are unseen. God transforms the mind and the heart by giving one eternal life. The presence of the Spirit of God in the human life makes an individual in some measure in­ human or heavenly in character. The things he once loved now become dis­ tasteful to him. The things he once dis­ liked now become most attractive to him. The soul of the saint desires fellowship with those with whom he was not at all congenial before conversion. The mind longs for knowledge for which it had no taste before being saved. The heart de­ sires things connected with the church, with Christ, and with the Bible, while in the past it loved only worldly associa­ tions. God makes all things new. A N ew A ttitude T oward G od E ph . 2:13 When God by the mysterious operation of conversion causes the believer to be­ come His child, then a beautiful new re­ lationship is formed. The Christian de­ sires the things which the Father loves. He seeks to follow in the steps of the Father. He learns to know and love the Son of the Father. He begins to rest upon the Word of God and to depend upon God’s provision. He seeks the pro­ tection of his Lord and loves to com­ mune with Him in prayer. The child of God craves the knowledge of God. He yields to thè leading and teaching of the Spirit of God rather than to the direc­ tion of worldly instructors. God becomes a living person to the believer. He looks forward to the day when he will live with God in eternity and know Him in­ timately. A N ew A ttitude T oward the B ible P sa . 119:11 The believer recognizes that the Bible is God’s Word, and contains God’s thoughts. He sees nothing else from Genesis to Revelation but the infilling of God’s will, God’s love, and God’s pro­ gram. He looks to the Bible for counsel concerning his daily living. He goes to the Bible for comfort in times of sorrow. He looks in those sacred pages for guid­ ance in dark hours and in the times of perplexity. He accepts the Bible as being the authentic and dependable unfolding of God’s mind. He believes what God’s Word says about the future of this earth, of the church, and of Satan. He believes what the Scripture records about creation, the fall of man, and man’s need of a Saviour. He loves the Scriptures as the daily bread for his soul and the living water for his spirit. A N ew A ttitude T oward the C hurch A cts 2:47 The church has a two-fold character, the local church and the entire body of


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