King's Business - 1947-11

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISM First in a Series ot Four Significant Articles

L ITH U AN IA CALLS Hear the soul-hungry cry of 5,000,000 Lithuanians scattered over the world— dispossessed, dissatisfied, without Christ and the Word of God. Less than 1 % profess Christ as Saviour I Since 1928 we have preached Christ by word of mouth and printed page in three continents. W rite for the Bible Witness— FR EE . Your prayers and help requested. Lithuanian Missionary Ass’n ., Inc. P. O. BOX 488-K, CHICAGO 90, ILLINOIS Interdenominational— A W ork of Faith -y^/se//. ß/rtiötmaö ßaufo kdignified way to make extra money in full or spare time selling our attractive selection of reli- ' gious books and greeting cards. Also complete r m r l \ \ line of Bibles and Children's Books. 50 CARDS FOR ONLY $1.00. Rush name today. WESTERN ART STUDIOS * Dept. 69- RC 257 S . Spring St., Los Angeles 12, Cal. Founded in 1907 Bolivian Indian Mission Pacific Coast Council 230 No. New Hampshire Ave. Los Angeles 4, Calif. Featuring two Bible Institutes in the Spanish and Quechua languages. BELOVEDOFTHELORD THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MIS­ SIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC., wishes to thank all our gracious friends for enabling us, through their love, pray­ ers, and gifts, to minister to thousands of homeless, hopeless, sick, and weary He­ brew Christians and Jewish people across the face of the earth. Your fellowship with us has brought untold comfort to many in the valley of fear and despair. You are helping us feed the hungry, clothe the bedraggled, heal the wounded, and permitting the love of Christ to find entrance into many a broken heart. In the name of His little ones, in the name of the old, the feeble, the distressed, and indeed in the name of the Lord, we thank you. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL M ISSIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY , INC. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President; Joseph M. Steele Treasurer: Dr. Joseph T. Britan General Secretary: Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M .A ., D.D. Principal, Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our Quarterly Bulletin I S R A E L M Y G L O R Y Sent to All Contributors and Also on Request P.S. If this expression of thanks does not apply to you as yet , we prayerfully wel­ come your fellowship with us in the Master’s work. fou . O L n f y ,'c

By E. B. Jones

I F THERE is anything wrong with Seventh-Day Adventism, I wish you would tell me what it is! Tell me in a few sentences.” Such was the request of a serious- minded, highly-cultured church woman, so unacquainted with the religious sys­ tem she was asking about that she did not even suspect she had opened a vast subject. For the sake of the multitudes of church folk represented by this in­ quirer, these “few sentences” are pre­ pared. “ Anything wrong with Seventh-Day Adventism?” I answer with an emphatic Yes! There is (1) its Unstable Founda­ tion; (2) its Unscriptural Faith; (3) its Unscrupulous Frauds; and (4) its Un­ savory Fruits. Let such as care to learn the facts from one who was for more than twenty- five years enslaved by Seventh-Day Ad­ ventism, examine with me Its Unstable Foundation In 2 Peter 2: 1, 2, we read: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. No great truth of Holy Writ has been left untouched by the unholy hands of one or more of the many false teachers. Take, for instance; “the blessed hope” of our Lord’s Second Advent. Concerning the time of it, the Word of God states, “ Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” “Watch, therefore, for ye ■know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” “ Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” “ It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power” (Matthew 24: 36; 25: 13.; Mark 13: 33; Acts 1:7). Anna Hoppe is, therefore, scriptural in these lines: “ I know not when, nor can I pierce the curtain That hides His glory from my mor­ tal view; But this I know, His coming is as certain As His divine, eternal Word is true.” But from the days of Christ to this present evil day, false prophets have risen, announcing the time of the Second Advent, and proclaiming themselves the N O V E M B E R , 1 9 4 7

God-appointed messengers to warn the world. Such a “ prophet” was William Miller, who set the time for the Lord’s return, first in 1843, and then in 1844. As the time drew near, his followers, who called themselves “ Adventists,” left their work, not even gathering in their crops, and gave away their property. Wildest fanaticism broke out, bringing disgrace upon the very name of religion. The glorious doctrine of the Second Ad­ vent was covered with shame, insomuch that evangelical churches were for years almost silent on “ the promise of his coming.” Satan rejoiced; the cause of Christ was injured. As the dates he had set arrived and passed, demolishing his theory, Miller himself frankly acknowledged his error. This was not true of certain followers of his, notably Elder James White, and Ellen Gould Harmon, who later married Elder White, and became Mrs. E. G. White—“ that woman , . . which calleth herself a prophetess” (Revelation 2:20). They had an explanation. The Lord had allowed them to be disappointed in 1843 to test their faith. In 1844 they had made one little mistake—they had ex­ pected Jesus to come to earth. They now understood that the “ sanctuary” of Dan­ iel 8: 14, is up in heaven, and that Jesus did really come into it that very year. So they were right, after all! It was upon such a foundation that Seventh-Day Adventism was built—upon “sand” , indeed! And to this day it rests on that same sure-to-crumble sub-struc­ ture—-the emergency-born, Bible-conflict­ ing theories of unskilled and deluded men in vital union with the counterfeit “inspiration” of a proved neurotic, sus­ ceptible to the influence and employment of the Great Deceiver. I refer to Ad­ ventism’s “messenger,” Mrs. E. G. White, who said of her own words: “ It is God, and not an erring mortal, that has spoken.” i Mrs. White claimed that her every line even in a private letter, was inspired by God, “ the precious rays of light shining from the throne.” 2 1. Mrs. E. G. W hite: Testimonies for the Church , Vol. Ill, p. 257. 2. Ibid. Vol. V , p. 67. A M " SLIDE#


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