King's Business - 1947-11

■whether actual days or periods of church history, the church was exhorted t® “ fear none of those things.” God’s children never should fear persecution endured for Him. Instead they should fear lest they assume the wrong attitude toward it and so fail God. “ White in the blood of the Lamb” (7:14). The multitude pictured in this passage (9-17) are to be saved in an­ other dispensation than this one under which we now live, the Great Tribula­ tion. But they will be saved then as we are now through the blood of the Lamb. The Bible from beginning to end teaches conclusively that God has had no other way of salvation in any dispensation ex­ cept faith in the shed blood of Calvary. For the Children P roud T o B e in P rison (1 P eter 4:12-19; 5:6, 7 ; A cts 16:16-40) M e m o r y V e r s e : “ F o r I am not ashamed of the gospel” (Romans 1:16). Have you ever heard anyone say that only “sissies” are Christians? Actually only those who have real courage can be true followers of the Son of God. Peter wrote to some Christians who were being punished because' they were true to their Lord. He told them that they must share the sufferings of Christ as well as His glory. God was testing them to see if they truly loved His Son. Peter asked these Christians to rejoice rather than to complain about their suf­ ferings. They were not to suffer as sin­ ners, “but if a man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed.” Christians are to cast all their care upon their Lord, knowing that He cares for them. Paul and Silas were in prison—not because they had murdered or stolen or sinned in any way—but because they had been faithful to the Lord! No one would have criticized these two Christians if they had complained. But God’s Word says, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns unto God” ! Their clothing had been torn; they had been beaten; their feet were in stocks; they had been cast into the inner prison. Still they were praising God! As a result, the jailer finally came to them and asked, “ Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Had Paul and Silas argued and complained, this family might never have been saved. These Christians were not ashamed of the gos­ pel of Christ. They were- proud to suffer for the sake of their Lord! Has anyone ever called you a “ sissy,” or said that you were old-fashioned or “ tied to your mother’s apron strings” because you were a Christian? Some Christians do not witness for their Lord if this happens to them. Can you say, “ I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” and witness boldly for the Lord Jesus even though you may have to suffer for Him? T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

THE WISE LITTLE BIRD ^ Teaches children to know and choose the right. “ Wise Little Bird” is a gripping story of a bird protecting its mate and nest, presenting the Gospel in a very unique manner. Suitable for Grade or Pre-school children. Beauti­ fully colored kodachrome slides— 10 o f them in glass binders with illustrated color booklet, S6.00. TABERNACLE SLIDES Through the EAR Also available immediately . . . “ Barney’s Barrel,” 15 slides and accompanying booklet, $9.00. “ Little Boat Twice Owned,” 10 slides and accompanying booklet, $6.00. Slides are not sold without illustrated booklet. S E N D N O M O N E Y : W e mail the slides and booklet to you for 5 days private preview. GOSPEL SLIDE & FILM SERVICE, Dept. KB, 923 South Eye St., Tacoma 3, Wash.

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