King's Business - 1947-11

-----ALL FOR $1 .00 ------ The Season's Greatest Bargainl We will send you 2 packages of Greeting Cards—1 Christmas and 1 Everyday—each containing an assortment of 12 Scripture and non-Scripture Text Cards and 1 box of beautiful Scripture Text Stationery: a regular $1.50 value for only $1.00 and FREE our Christmas Catalog of Religious Gifts. THE CHRISTIAN LIGHT PRESS Dept. A -1 47R Elizabethtown, Pa.

“ Them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image ” (Rev. 15:2). The persons mentioned in this passage had lived in the difficult time of the Great Tribulation. Yet they had been good witnesses in such a time. Victory had been theirs and now they were in heaven, cleansed and happy. The verse which follows makes it clear that it was through the Lamb that their victory had been secured. All true victories for God are thus achieved, and those who are victorious will rejoice eternally over the fact. There is a great practical les­ son for us today in this experience. Those who put their trust in Christ may achieve victory, no matter what condi­ tions may surround one. For the Children T he G reatest C hristmas G ift (I saiah 9 :2 -7 ; L uke 2:1-20) M emory V erse : “ The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14). If you were a captive in a strange land, can you imagine how eagerly you would listen to every rumor that some­ one was on his way to deliver you and to set you free? The Jews had sinned over and over again and God had punished them often. God had promised for many years to send the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, to deliver them, and to save them from their sins. Isaiah told the Jews that while they were walking in the darkness of sin and captivity, they would see a great light. He said, “ Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the govern­ ment shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The ever­ lasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Every Jewish woman who gave birth to a son hoped that he might be the long- promised Saviour. At last, in Bethlehem, to Mary was bom the Lord Jesus, the promised Mes­ siah, the Saviour of the world. So im­ portant was His coming that wherever the Gospel message has been told since, people have celebrated His birthday, which we call Christmas. God’s heart must be sad at Christmas­ time because so many people think only of the gifts which they give each other rather than of the greatest of all gifts— His Son! Have you given thanks for His gift to you this Christmas? Perhaps some boys and girls may not receive any gifts from their family or their friends because there is not enough money to buy them. The most precious gift that they may receive is free—just for the asking—the gift of salvation through the blood of God's Son. Have you received His Gift? If you have, pray that you may rejoice your Lord’s heart by giving to Him the gift of another soul for His birthday.

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