King's Business - 1947-11

DECEMBER 28, 1947 GOD 'S ETERNAL RULE R ev . 21:1-7, 22-27

made—nothing imperfect—about the fu­ ture abode of the saints. “No more death” (v. 4). Sometimes heaven has been called “ the Land of No More.” It is not possible for finite minds to know at present the situation in heaven. Once the Apostle Paul was caught up into heaven but he was never able thereafter to tell what he saw and heard (2 Cor. 12). It was too wonderful. But it is possible for us to know the things which will not be there—death, sorrow, pain, and sin. None of the things will be there which cause so much disap­ pointment and heartbreak in this world. “ These words are true and faithful” (v. 5). This statement lifts the descrip­ tion of the New Jerusalem out of the realm of the mythical. Heaven is a real

(v. 9). And, according to verse 24, the restored earth with its saved peoples will walk in the light of the New Jerusalem which evidently will be suspended over the new earth at that future time. “ Coming down from God out of heav­ en” (v. 2). This sets forth the origin of the New Jerusalem; it is “from God.” It is also “the tabernacle of God” (v. 3). Again in verse 10 we are assured that it is “from God.” .Jesus said, “ I go to pre­ pare a place for you” (John 14:2). It comes fresh and spotless from the holy hands of God. There is nothing man­

Outline and Exposition T he N ew T hings (R ev . 21:1-4)

The earth and heavens that now exist will pass away, and a new heaven and earth will appear. Instead of the present restlessness of nations, represented by the sea, there will be eternal peace. “ There was no more sea.” Instead of the city’s present uproar there will appear a joyous city, delighting in Christ as a bride coming to her husband. Instead of present intermittent fellowship, there will be full and uninterrupted fellowship as God Himself will be with His people in intimate relationship. Instead of the present distress and sorrow there will come the time when all tears, and death, and sorrow, and crying, and pain will be gone forever, because “the former things are passed away.” T he N ew A ssurance (R ev . 21:5-7) The promise is from One upon the throne who says, “ Behold, I make all things new.” His words are true; there is no error in them; they are faithful; nothing can prevent their fulfillment. Hence there is assurance because of the One who speaks. He is the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.” The enjoyment of the new things in Christ and the new assurance for be­ lievers is for those who take freely of the fountain of the water of life. But it must be taken “freely,” that is, without merit in the one who receives it. All the worship in the new heavenly city will exalt the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. The light of that city will be the glory of God and of the Lamb, guarding and guiding all the nations of earth, whose kings will bring their glory to it. Night and day there will be ad­ mittance to the city, and intercourse be­ tween all of the redeemed, both in heaven and on the earth. Nothing that can in any wise bring harm of any kind will ever enter therein, and none but those inscribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life may find entrance. But that door is wide open to all who trust the Blood of the Lamb and place no confidence in them­ selves but in Him alone who sits upon the throne. Points and Problems “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1). A clear distinction between the content of this verse and that of verse 2 needs to be observed. Undoubtedly the new heaven and new earth of verse 1 refer to the present heaven and earth in their final condi­ tion, after complete renovation. The holy city, or New Jerusalem, of verse 2 has to do with the church, the Lamb’s wife T he N ew C ity (R ev . 21:22-27)

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