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place, not simply a state of mind, and not a condition of sweet oblivion. How good it is that we have such a reliable foundation in God’s Word upon which to stake our hopes for the future! “And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there” (v. 25). In ancient cities the gates were always shut at nightfall for protec tion (Josh. 2:5). But in this eity to come there will be no physical night, no night of sin, and no night of sorrow. Hence, there will be no need for shutting of the gates. The ever-open gates suggest a constant means of egress from the city into various parts of the universe on service for the Lord. For the Children R ich G ifts for J esus (J ude 24, 25; M att . 2:1-11) M e m o r y V e r s e : “ Give unto the Lord the glory- due unto his name: bring an offering and come into his courts” (Psalm 96:8). God did not give just one Gift to the world that He loved. Of course, His greatest Gift was His Son. But through Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, many pre cious gifts come to Christians. He is able to keep us from falling into sin and from falling from His love, and to bring us unto His presence some day. He is able to supply our material needs, to keep us well physically, to give us perfect peace, to comfort us, to answer onr prayers, and to do more than we ask in every part of our lives. When the Lord Jesus was about two years old, the wise men came from afar, bringing their love-gifts to Him. We do not know how many wise men there were. They did not come to the manger as some people think. The wise men came when Jesus was a young child, and the wise men found Him in a house. Last week we talked about two love- gifts that we may bring to our King— our own hearts and the gift of other souls. Have you thought of any other gifts that you might bring, to your Lord? After Christmas, we often put away our gifts and forget about them. Some peo ple even give away the presents that they do not want. Christmas is soon for gotten. But our gifts for the Lord Jesus should be offered to Him each day of the year. Our prayers, our praise, our telling others the Gospel story, our helping in our homes, our service in our Lord’s house—all these and many more are gifts which should gladden His heart the year around. Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms. Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men in all lands everywhere. De stroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors. Familiarize yourself w i t h t h e chains of bondage, and you are prepar ing your own limbs to wear them. — Abraham Lincoln. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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