King's Business - 1947-11

It is not merely a star. We must remember that the greatest Gift God ever gave to the world was accompanied by a star. As we turn this star around, we see that there are letters on each of the points. We will start with the letter “ C” and notice what it spells. “ Christ.” The star of Bethlehem showed the wise men where to find Christ. In the center of this star is a red cross. It reminds us of the cross on which Christ, God’s greatest gift, died and shed His blood for the sins of the world. In thinking of .Christmas and gifts, let us never forget the greatest of all gifts, God’s gift of His Son.

The chief priests and scribes read in the Scriptures that the King was to be bom in the city of Bethlehem. When the wise men learned this and left Jeru­ salem, going toward Bethlehem, they found the star which led them to Christ. We will drop this red cross from be­ hind the star to show you whom the wise men found by following the star of God’s guidance. They were led to the Lord Jesus. When they found Christ, they worshiped Him and gave costly gifts. They also gave Him the glory and honor due Him.

\ U E F to any Evangelical Christian Minister, ™ lm E E Sunday School or Missionary Superin­ tendent, one copy of "TAKE N O TH O U G H T" for each family in his congregation, providing he will agree to give a talk on Tithing before distribution. Write stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to:

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A fruitful ministry of evangelism and Scripture distribution supported by free-will offerings. Send for free Quarterly with news of work in U. S. and China to: National Headquarters Pocket Testament League 156 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK 10, N.Y.

Do not miss Dr. Lee’s Thanksgiving message on Page 6.

December 28, 1947 HAPPY HUNTERS

Peace of mind in the days ahead

Objects: (The red cross should be small enough to be concealed behind the silver star. With a piece of trans­ parent tape hinge the top of the cross to the bottom of the star, where it can be dropped into position beneath the star at the desired time. Print the word “ GUIDANCE” on the star.)

Lesson: Did you ever read the lost and found advertisements in the news­ paper? They are quite interesting. In looking at this paper, I find that a wom­ an has lost a purse. She wants to get it back and offers a reward. A man has lost his watch. He, too, wants it returned, and is offering a liberal reward. A girl has lost a ring, a gift from her parents. She is willing to pay for its return. Many people are willing to pay for the return of valuable possessions, but there are some things which cannot be returned for the payment of a reward. What do you think is the most val­ uable thing a person can lose ? “Home.” Most people would agree with you, but I have something this morning which is more valuable than a home. Here it is—the star of God’s guidance. You will remember how the wise men from the east lost the star which was guid­ ing them to Christ, when they came near Jerusalem. They realized that this was the greatest loss they had ever experienced, and they were very sad. They let it be known that they had lost the star of guidance. Herod and all Jerusalem were troubled because of the wise men.

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