King's Business - 1947-11

Not a word. Witness in love. Just a word for Jesus. “ Ye are my witnesses.” But that is all. Surrender self to Him. Let your con­ quered spirit keep quiet. Let your lips be closed, your tongue tied, your voice hushed, your look love. Let Him con­ trol, and a sound of gentle stillness will permeate your being, spreading the sweet aroma of peace and delight upon all around you. And while your heart is hushed and your mouth closed—in the sweet, small voice, like the dew of the morning, the gentle light of sunshine, or the sweet breeze of eventide, you will be quietly blessed, by hearing Him in the hush of His presence and the joy of His delight, and you will be so glad that you uttered —Not a word. Published in tract form by B. M'Cal! Barbour, 28 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh I, Scotland.

NOT A W O R D (Continued from Page 14)

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Not a word. I had a severe trial, long continued. I rode with a dear brother in the cars, and I opened to him my heart, and poured out my weighty bur­ dens in his ear; I took his earnest ad­ vice to my heart. His voice was not the mind of the Spirit, and when I returned to my seat in the car, the Spirit gently said to me: “ So you went to him? Could you not trust Me?” It broke my heart. I apologized, was forgiven, restored, and I determined never to take my case out of His hands again, and to take as my motto for my spiritual life, Not a word. Cease, beloved, from yourself, from your own things and works. Let the Holy Spirit have play. Get still from restless activity, and give Him a chance to speak and to do.

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