Giant Telescope <£* Recently the huge 200-inch reflecting mirror was moved from the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena to the new stellar observatory on Palomar Mountain near San Diego. This is one of the final operations before the new giant telescope will be turned toward the heavenly regions. Many questions bearing vitally upon the sum total of human knowledge re main to be solved. It has taken nearly 20 years to build this telescope and more than six million dollars have been spent on the project. However, we are sure of one thing. As this giant man-made eye peers into space, the heavens will continue to “ de clare the glory of God,” by revealing the magnitude of God’s power and the in exhaustibleness of His wisdom to all of «S* A beneficial result of the hectic years of the war is the industrial chaplaincy which is the placing of men of spiritual vision on the payrolls of large commer cial enterprises. Recently one of the largest depart ment stores in the South announced the appointment of a former army chaplain to act as spiritual counselor to the store’s 1,250 employees. This appointee is also pastor of a church in Birming ham which connection will enable him to feel the spiritual pulse of the entire city. Too long we feel the teaching and practice of the Christian life have been confined to one day a week and to church buildings, whereas it is to be lived 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. This recognition of the spiritual law in the commercial world is a step in the «9* It has long been common knowledge that the value of the chemicals resident in the human body amounted to approxi mately $1.00. Recently, however, a North western University chemist revised this estimate. He figured that on the basis of today’s inflationary market, the body’s chemicals are now worth about $31.04. Whether this will be of any comfort to those who are struggling with the problem of the increased cost of living is problematical. However, there is another side to the question, and that is the value which God places upon the human soul. Of this estimate we are sure because God demonstrated it, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when He gave His only Son to die for the sins of the world. Religious Pressure *5* An event of great significance was the recent opening to the public of a collection of hitherto unpublished letters and memoranda of Abraham Lincoln. One of the interesting sidelights con tained in this formerly secret collection was the evidence of “ lobbying” by Amer- N O V E M B E R , 194 7 those who have eyes to see. Department Store Minister right direction, Increased Value
land is Canada’s most blessed province. It has no unemployment, and very little poverty. Though it permits divorce and has a divorce court provided for, only one divorce was granted in 60 yeans. There are no highwaymen, no gangsters, no commercialized vice, no real crime problem, and no penitentiary. There are only 13 policemen for its 90,000 people, and it has had no executions in 40 years . . . Its per capita savings rank propor tionately greater than in any other Canadian province, and for its size it has more railways, more postoffices, more telegraph lines, than any other province. It is estimated that there are over 10,000 motor cars on the island, and the roads are winding and danger ous, yet in some years there are as few as two motor car accidents. “ Is Prince Edward Island heaven? There must be some catch in all this. No; it is simply that the Islanders adopted prohibition of the beverage al coholic traffic many years ago (1900), believe in and practice it, and have let it work out its own consequences.” King of Nations & That the United States is, in its in dustrial might and scientific achieve ment, the greatest nation that has ever appeared on the face of the earth, no intelligent person would deny. The basis for such power and wisdom, however, has long been a subject for debate. It is our earnest conviction, however, that God has made America great be cause of America’s insistence upon an open church and an open Bible. Recently, there was introduced in our national legislature a resolution to amend the Constitution, making the spe cific recognition “ of the authority and law of Jesus Christ, the Saviour and King of nations.” While we believe wholeheartedly in the sentiments expressed, we are also well aware that the universal Kingship of Jesus Christ will never be a reality until God Himself places His Son upon the throne. But this is exactly what God has promised to do, and in His good time there will come a day when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Page Five
ican religious forces during the martyred President’s terms in office. It seems the outstanding individual clergyman of that day was Henry Ward Beecher, who petitioned the President with many letters and telegrams urging extreme measures. He is not alone in this, however, for more than 100 other petitions and resolutions are included in the Lincoln collection. Without a doubt, this method of ex pressing the religious convictions of our Christian population is of some value. However, there is absolutely no doubt that God’s way for His children to bring about reforms and improved conditions is by the tried and true method of pre vailing prayer. Without discouraging the former, let additional pressure be made on the latter, and the arm of God will move in behalf of the ways of •£ The recent decision by the United States Supreme Court granting the right to transport Catholic students in buses operated by tax money is arousing a storm of protest. News releases inform us that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has upheld the directors of a school dis trict in refusing to provide transporta tion for parochial school students. In the State of Maine, the Senate killed a bus transportation bill for the same purpose and in our national capi tal a resolution has been introduced to amend the Constitution, prohibiting the giving of aid to any educational institu tion under sectarian control. More than that, in at least a score of other states and state legislatures, there are debates going on as to what to do with this very involved problem. Meanwhile, a Catholic paper published in Brooklyn bemoans the fact that while other children are transported to school in well-equipped buses, the Catholic children are obliged to walk. They do not mention, however, that the same Catholic children may hop right into the bus and go to any public school. Not Heaven <£ Here is an interesting note from The Voice, the temperance publication of the Methodist Church: “ Prince Edward Is righteousness. Rising Storm
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