Year 4 have been consolidating note taking skills this week in English lessons, a skill used lots this term for their ‘Take One…’ projects. They have explored features of nonfiction books, condensing nonfiction texts and factual videos into notes which they have then transformed into their own informative paragraphs, in their own words. Next week, Year 3 and 4 will begin research for their non-chronological reports. Year 4 started their 'Hide Art' this week. We learnt about how hide was used by Native Americans for clothing, covering their homes, calendars, artwork and bags. We made our own hide by ripping the edges of A3 paper, then stained it using tea bags. We will add artwork next week when it has dried! The Take One project is fully underway. Several children have already been getting creative at home. Emily H, in 4NP, made cornbread. A snack that was popular with the Native Americans.
READING – Congratulations to this week’s winning House – Bickley – who have an average word count of 9,021.
We have two new millionaires – Hatty H-S (1,085,377 words) and Ollie B (1,040,304 words). Well done Hatty and Ollie!
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