The Cygnet - 17th January

Girls’ Sports

Middle School

Two exciting afternoons for Year 3 and 4 Netball this week with Year 3 taking on Chandlings and Year 4 competing against Pinewood. It was fantastic to see lots of enthusiasm on the court with goals being scored and lots of positivity. The Year 3 girls enjoyed their first Netball match against Chandlings. From the first whistle the three teams all showed great teamwork and their use of space and confidence driving onto the ball was phenomenal for U8 level. It was an impressive performance across the board, with the girls really grasping the formations they have worked on in their Netball lessons and some excellent shooting. A brilliant start to their Netball, well done girls! In Year 4, the A team finished with a 13-7 win, showing resilience and perseverance, manging to show an array of successful passes and catches which led to this success. MVP was awarded to Lexi. The Bs also secured a win with the final score being 12-5! A shout out to Persie M for her fantastic shooting and Arabella F for her use of space and movement. MVP was awarded to Persie. The Cs started with a BANG showing fantastic communication skills on the court and great movement leading to another win and the score being 13-3! MVP was awarded to Emily for her amazing shooting skills scoring 6 goals in total! Finally, our D squad had a triangular fixture with Windrush Valley and Pinewood and secured two more wins! Both scores being 2-0! A special mention to Celia and Rosie for their fantastic movement up and down the court, as well as their leadership skills. MVP was award to Celia this week. Well done Year 4 on an excellent set of results!

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