The Cygnet - 17th January


This week in... Reception

LEARNING DETECTIVES: This week, we have introduced a new responsibility in the classroom. Each day, a Learning Detective is chosen to look out for brilliant learning from their friends e.g. 'I saw Sophia focusing like an eagle'. The children have taken this role very seriously!

TOPIC: Reception were very excited to start their new topic 'To Infinity and Beyond' this week. Via our new space themed home corner, the children have put on their space suits and blasted into space to complete many space missions and experiments. This week, we have learnt about famous space astronauts, including Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. We learnt about all of the exciting things they do as an astronaut and how they survive in Space.

MATHS: We have been focusing on counting to 10 using counters in the ten frame. You could practise counting at home – match digit cards to collections of objects, roll a dice then throw that number of balls into a bucket, set the table and count out the correct number of plates, forks, knives etc.

PHONICS: We introduced two new digraphs or 'Special Friends'. This week, the sounds had the same letters, but they make a different sound. We learnt the long stretchy sound 'oo' (poo at the zoo) and the short bouncy sound 'oo' (look at a book). Our tricky word was ‘he'.

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