Jallo Angus Ranch - Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [1/19/25]

46th Annual Production Sale

January 19, 2025 1:30 P.M. (CST) At the Ranch Fordville, ND Selling 63 yearling Bulls 14 Fall Bulls 36 BRED HEIFERS

Auctioneer: Dustin Carter...................................................712-898-9972 Sale Representatives: Andrew Swanson, American Angus Association..............................507-829-4133 Vern Frey, Frey Livestock Sales & Service..........................................701-721-0344 Kirby Goettsch, Farm and Ranch Guide............................................605-380-3939 Tony Heins, Western Ag Reporter ....................................................701-400-4435 Cliff Sanders, Lake Region Livestock................................................701-793-3175 Logan Hoffmann, DVAuction...........................................................701-388-2618 Buyers unable to attend the sale may send their bids to the ranch, field representatives or auctioneer.

EPDs in the top 25% of the breed are highlighted in yellow.

Semen Interest: Jallo Angus Ranch will be retaining a 1/3 semen revenue sharing interest in all bulls. Full possession and salvage value belong to the buyer unless otherwise stated. Delivery: Free delivery within 500 miles on bulls. Females: Females sold as is. Registration papers per request for $100. Transportation of females is the responsibility of the buyer. Bull Wintering Program: Bulls will have passed a semen test prior to delivery. Feeding arrangements on the bulls is available for $2.50 per day beginning April 1st. Liability: All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, and Jallo Angus Ranch assumes no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. Terms and Conditions: Cattle sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http://www.angus.org/Pub/ suggested_sale_terms.pdf). Terms are cash. Volume Discounts: We are offering the following volume discounts - 2% on 2 bulls; 3% on 3 bulls; 4% on 4 bulls; and 5% on 5 or more bulls. Announcements: Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over information listed in this sale book. Insurance: Insurance will be available sale day through Martin-Trudea Insurance (605) 996-3106. First Breeding Season Guarantee: Bulls selling are guaranteed for 90 days from turnout against breeding injury. If a replacement is available, he will be provided, or if the buyer prefers, credit towards another bull will be given in next year’s sale. Credit for the amount of purchase price minus $2,500 will be applied towards purchase of another bull. Buyer keeps all salvage value. Please notify us as soon as possible should an injury occur. You must notify us before the injured bull is sold for salvage or by October 1, 2025. This is not a mortality insurance policy, nor does it cover mismanagement or neglect. We do not cover injuries sustained prior to the breeding season. Injury or death prior to delivery: Injury resulting in death, or death of the bull prior to delivery, will not be the responsibility of Jallo Angus Ranch. This is an insurable risk that the purchaser can obtain. EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLink SM , CAB®, Pathfinder®.

The sale will also be available on DVAuction. Go to www.dvauction.com for more information

Cattle Viewing: Videos of the bulls can be viewed online at DVAuction. com. Cattle are available for inspection at any time here at Jallo Angus Ranch. The cattle offered in the sale will be penned Saturday, January 20, come and see the cattle that are offered in the sale and enjoy our chili feed! Sale Location: Jallo Angus Ranch, Fordville, ND. Located 3 miles west and 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 32, 5-1/2 miles west on County Road 19A, 1/2 mile north. Lunch: A complimentary lunch will be served at noon on sale day. Herd Health: All bulls are on a complete health program and will be accompanied by health papers for shipment anywhere in the United States. All bulls have been vaccinated for Rednose, P13, BVD 7-way, Blackleg, BRVS, Haemophilus and have been poured and treated with Ivomec. All females are officially calfhood Bangs vaccinated. Interstate health papers will be furnished on all cattle selling. Genetic Testing or Recessives: All bulls offered have been GeneSeek tested and are free of all known genetic conditions or have no pedigree risks monitored by the AAA, other than the ones noted throughout the sale book. Accommodations: Alexander House Motel, Bar & Grill, Park River (701) 284-7141 Sunlac Inn, Bar & Grill, Lakota (701) 247-2487


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