Having Hip, Knee or Shoulder Surgery? Physical Therapy Can Help You Heal Faster!
Areyouplanningtoundergoreconstructiveor jointreplacementsurgery on a hip, knee or shoulder? Have you already had this procedure and wonder ifyou’lleverfeel likeyournormalselfagain?Surgerytoreplace or rebuild a joint imposes some extreme limits of its own on the body, but simply resting the joint for months can present its own problems, from chronic pain to incomplete healing. Fortunately, you can promote the healing process and ensure that your new-and-improved joint works as it should. Your first step along that path should take the form of a customized, multi-modal physical therapy program at Clinton County Medical Center Physical Therapy. The jointsofthebodycanmove insome impressivedirectionsandeven (in the case of the hips and knees) hold your body weight steady as you stand and move. Unfortunately, their complexity also opens the door for many potential forms of injury and damage. Joint damage can take the form of torn muscles, ruptured ligaments and even dislocations. Chronic joint damage may develop over many years, resulting in worn cartilage, inflamedordeformed jointcomponents,andpainfulbone-on- RECUPERATING FROM SPORTS INJURIES & TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENTS
bone friction within the joint. For instance, you may suffer from knee, shoulder, or hip arthritis that makes everyday activities impossible. If your damaged joint doesn’t respond to medication, exercise, and lifestylechanges,youmayneedtoresorttosurgery.Twoprimarytypes of orthopedic (joint) surgery include: • Reconstructive surgery - Many sports injuries force the need for reconstructive joint surgery. Examples include a torn rotator cuff in the shoulder and ruptured ligaments in the knee. In some procedures,thedamagedtissuesarereconnectedtotheiranchor points; in others, other tissues (such as tendons) are grafted into place to serve as substitutes. • Total jointreplacements-Total jointreplacementsmaybenecessary when the original joint has received so much wear and tear that nothing more can be done to treat it. This need often applies to weight-bearing joints that have been subjected to longstanding or abnormal stress. Common examples include total knee replacements and total hip replacements.
If you’re suffering from pain, call us at 989.224.3000 (ext. 625) or visit ccmcphysicaltherapy.com today!
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