American Consequences - May 2020

As trust fails, ordinary people like yourself assume the entire system is corrupt. And you are absolutely, 100% correct. Never has that been truer than today. But for others... for those willing to take the time to prepare... this major shift in American institutions represents an incredible opportunity. Because the fact is, what you and I think of as the American way of life is dying... Yet today, all of these institutions have squandered the public’s trust. For many, this erosion of trust will be an unrecoverable disaster. The folks who count on the government to take care of them... to keep them safe at night. They are in for quite an awakening. It has been going on behind the scenes for some time. But this latest crisis has shown the true face of government, of our central banks, and indeed, of the average American. Where does this all lead? The final stage of the death of trust is as simple as it is inevitable. Without trust, there is no money. The value of the dollar depends entirely on all of us continuing to believe in it. Without trust, paper currency is nothing more than worthless colored rags.

When trust dies, there is also no accessible credit. The plastic cards in your wallet won’t work like you expect. You won’t be able to get a mortgage or a business loan at a reasonable rate. Without trust, all the things that we believe in here in America start to fall apart. Without trust, there is no fair rule of law. There is no safe community. There is no prosperous Main Street. There is no opportunity on Wall Street. And there is no investment in the future. As trust fails, ordinary people like yourself assume the entire system is corrupt. And you are absolutely, 100% correct. Never has that been truer than today. As we mentioned earlier, divergence between Wall Street and Main Street has never been greater. Stocks are up nearly 30%... while more than 30 million Americans are newly out of work. Since we launched American Consequences , our advice has been the same – rely on yourself, not the government. As we have written time after time... We recommend that you do what the government won’t... pay off any debt you might have, save rather than spend, and invest in strong businesses that will survive the next crisis. Because personally, we think trust is already dead. The world hasn’t realized it yet. But when a corpse twitches, we suspect maggots – not a miracle.

American Consequences


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