AI Startups Mapping in Africa

greatly benefit from these sectors. Therefore, fur- ther investigation should be conducted to under- stand the reasons for the low adoption and set the mitigation strategies to be taken. Additionally, the literature highlights that AI start- ups in the African continent have been acceler- ated by research institutions, universities, corpo- rates, and incubators/accelerators which through a holistic approach act as a catalyst to solve their challenges and offer opportunities in the African context. Moreover, policymaking is a very integral segment for the advancement of AI in Africa, how- ever, it is still in its embryonic stage, jeopardizing efforts that are meant to steer the AI ecosystem in Africa (Rogerson et al. 2022; Dwi Hadya Jayani 2019). Furthermore, the literature suggests that AI deployed in Africa tends to originate from out- side the continent lacking contextual relevance, particularly concerning cultural and infrastructur- al factors (UNESCO 2022; Oxford Business Group 2021; Eke 2023; Heumann et al. 2018; Law 2023; Arthur Gwagwa et al. 2021a; Sampene et al. 2022) The AI startups in Africa are on the rise, indicat- ing a growing interest and investment in AI tech- nologies. Therefore, identifying emerging trends provides insights into the current landscape and future trajectory of AI in Africa that can facilitate innovations that are culturally and contextually relevant to the needs of the various countries.

Therefore, the rationale for conducting this re- search is to map startups in Africa that adopt or apply AI innovations rooted in the recognition of AI as a transformative technology with the po- tential to drive socio-economic growth and sus- tainable development, transforming economies and societies for the better across the continent. By mapping the ecosystem players, the project seeks to provide insight into startups that are leading the way in AI innovation in Africa, pro- viding visibility of stakeholders and a platform to catalyze collaboration and knowledge sharing among AI startups, investors, policymakers, ac- ademia, and other stakeholders. This will facili- tate dialogue, networking, and the exchange of ideas, ultimately fostering a more dynamic and supportive ecosystem for AI innovation in Africa. Additionally, a review of the challenges and op- portunities faced by AI startups on the continent provides a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing the growth and success of AI start- ups, including regulatory environments, access to funding, talent availability, infrastructure, and market demand. Lastly, outline the recommenda- tions aiming to empower AI startups and stake- holders in the AI innovation ecosystem in Africa to enhance their impact and contribute more effec- tively to socio-economic growth and sustainable development on the African continent.


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