AI Startups Mapping in Africa




Encompasses companies in the private sector engaged in the AI domain. Varying from emerging startups to established multinational corporations

Encompasses any education- al entity such as universities, colleges and research institu- tions that contributes to the field of Artificial Intelligence, be it through conducting re- search developing an dusing the technology or educating professionals in AI

Encompasses entities such as policy-making bodies, regu- latory agencies and organiza- tions within the public sector that play a role in either reg- ulating or facilitating the use and development of AI.

With a deep understanding and multiple live use cases. innovators are driving enter- prise-wide adoption of so- phisticated techniques like deep learning with strong executive support while ac- tively attracting and retain- ing top talent

Understand AI and have live use cases, but still imple- menting point solutions with- out a defined methodical approach to conceptialising and implementing

Recognise the need but waiting to see demonstrated benefits across the industry before launching

Figure 1: Description of AI Stakeholders and their Stage


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