AI Startups Mapping in Africa

The following Table 1briefly explains the identified top ten (10) support and resources offered to AI startups in Africa;

Table 1: Description of Top Ten (10) Support and Resources offered to AI startups in Africa.

SN Support and Resources Offered to AI Startups




Africa's Tech Hubs are increasingly concentrating on developing sophis- ticated technical skills such as programming, AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and other emerging technologies. These centers frequently act as focal places for education, innovation, and entrepreneurship, of- fering training programs and workshops to startups and people. An ex- ample is kLab in Rwanda, Clintonel Innovations in Nigeria, TechQuest STEM Academy in Nigeria, iLabAfrica in Kenya, data Lab (dLab) in Tanza- nia, Sprint in Egypt, iHub, a tech hub located in Nairobi, Kenya (Engines and Growth 2023; Artificial Intelligence for Africa Report 2018). It men- tors and develops entrepreneurs' and programmers' talents by offering workshops and training courses on a variety of computer disciplines, including AI and data science. Universities and research institutions play a pivotal role in the AI eco- system by generating new knowledge, innovating technologies, and producing graduates with relevant AI skills. These institutions are often at the forefront of cutting-edge research that pushes the boundaries of what AI can achieve. Mentorship is vital for developing AI skills in tech hubs across Africa. It comes from industry experts, academic researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors. Industry experts provide practical knowledge, academic researchers offer theoretical guidance, entrepreneurs teach startup founders about entrepre- neurship, and investors and business leaders offer guidance on business de- velopment, marketing, and understanding market dynamics. Tech hubs provide access to AI mentors through various programs and initia- tives. These include structured programs, workshops and seminars, online platforms, networking events, community initiatives, and partnerships with educational institutions and corporations. These programs help participants pair with mentors based on their educational needs and career aspirations.




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