4.1.3 Challenges of AI Startups in Africa
Africa as a developing continent faces challenge across all levels of the AI readiness index. Therefore, the following are the top six challenges that hinder the adoption and successful use and application of AI in Africa as described in Figure 10. These challenges include; limited funds, regulatory barriers, lack of data access, lack of competitive business environment and innovation, shortage of skilled and educated work- force, and inadequate infrastructure.
Regulatory Barriers
Lack of Data Access
Limited Funds
The persistent challenge of securing adequate funding remains a barrier, hindering the growth and scalability of Al Initiatives. Limited Funds.
The absence of supportive regulatory environment and complex legal frameworks add layer of complexity to the de- velopment of Al technologies. Regulatory Barriers
Majority of AI difliculties in Startups face accessing the required context specif- ic datasets that are crucial for training and refining Al models. Lack of Data Ac- cess
Inadequate Infrastructure
Lack of competitive business environment and innovation
Shortage of skilled and educated workforce
There is lack of well estab- lished Al Stakeholders’ Eco- system and sufficient R&D infrastructure and resources to support innovation Lack of Competitive Business Envi- ronment and Innovation
A shortage of specialized talent in the Al and tech in- dustries hampers the devel- opment and implementation of Al solutions. Shortage of Skilled and Educated Work- force
The absence or inadequacy of of infrastructure including data storage, high speed in- ternet and cloud computing poses significant-hurdle. In- adequate Infrastructure
Figure 10: Description of Geographical Distribution of Responses.
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