AI Startups Mapping in Africa


AfriLabs’s mandate is to impact the continent over the next decade through four Strategic Pillars, one of which is Research, Evidence, and Learning. This pillar builds on innovative ways to move the continent forward through collaboration and research on what works, where it works, and how it works, and dissemination of learning across Africa and the wider innovation ecosystem, network, and experience gained so far with over 470 innovation centers across 227 cities. With this mandate and the rapidly growing Artificial Intelligence (Al) within the African innovation ecosystem, there has been an increasing number of Startups in the continent leveraging AI to build innovation that solves challenges in different sectors. To better understand the status, challenges, and opportunities that African Al startups and their ecosystem can tap into, AfriLabs through the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has surveyed to map Al startups in African countries to understand the required actionable recommendations that promote excellence in the adoption and use of Al. Therefore, this report summarizes the findings that can be used as a guide to Al startups and their innovation ecosystem toward building sustainable socioeconomic development in Africa and the world at large.

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