AI Startups Mapping in Africa

Figure 11: Examples of AI startups in Africa.

governments to develop regulations and guide- lines for AI ethics, safety, and accountability as a key for responsible AI use and development. One thing to take note is that majority of the AI start- ups have great opportunities for African markets as described in Figure 12 which include; the Afri- can Market Opportunity for Project Anton which is in Botswana uses unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and satellite imagery to improve agricultur- al practices, offering market opportunities in effi- ciency, sustainable farming, precision agriculture, and data-driven decision-making. It detects pests and diseases early, supports sustainable farming, provides detailed land management data, and helps farmers make informed decisions. This proj- ect holds potential for adaptation and growth throughout Africa, with great market opportuni- ties among farmers and agronomists, agribusi- nesses, government agricultural departments,

4.2 Discussion In a nutshell, a total of 320 publications with over 900 AI stakeholders were identified of which 669 were AI star and 165 participants participat- ed in the secondary and primary data collection respectively. Whereby a total of 63% of the col- lected responses have formal education in AI and also, are in the initial and intermediate stages of their growth and AI adoption. The major challeng- es that hinder the growth and establishment of AI startups include limited funding, regulatory barri- ers, lack of access to data, inadequate infrastruc- ture including internet connectivity, and skills shortage. On the contrary, the rapid adoption of AI in Africa raised significant challenges such as data privacy concerns, and the potential for job displacement which stimulated the need for


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