AI Startups Mapping in Africa

that AI implementations are driving technologi- cal changes in businesses, economy, education, agriculture, and infrastructure. Additionally, it was observed that AI startups in Africa would benefit from adopting a collective approach to rulemak- ing around emerging technology, especially AI to a collective policy response of European coun- tries, which have cultural disparities similar to Af- rican ones. This is because African countries are diverse but also share broad similarities, such as a common history and a broadly similar cultural val- ue system. Hence, making it possible for countries

to collaborate on appropriate ethical and gover- nance frameworks and to strengthen their values. Furthermore, there is still a huge gap between developed and developing countries when it comes to AI development and deployment which if not closed can lead to further inequalities be- tween the Global North and South. Therefore, the following recommendations should be followed by African countries to achieve the sustainable socioeconomic development of Africa and the world at large.


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