AI Startups Mapping in Africa

5.2 Recommendations

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Innovation (STEMI) curriculum application. By doing this, Africa will be able to enhance AI awareness and also, use and apply more AI and its technologies by developing creativity and an- alytic ability of the youth. R4: Capacity Building: Africa has an increasing number of local actors involved in AI knowledge creation however there is still a need to enhance human capacities with a focus on ensuring active leadership and involvement in AI services to pro- duce local AI products for local markets in Africa. R5: Enabling Environment: There is a need to create a supportive environment for AI startups, hubs, and small businesses, by facilitating them with continuous access to mentorship, resources, and funding to nurture AI entrepreneurship in the continent. Continuous monitoring to regularly update the AI landscape is directed towards stay- ing informed on emerging trends, challenges, op- portunities, strategies, and policies to adapt ac- cordingly to the evolving AI landscape. R6: Infrastructure: As it has been noted that AI demands significant computing resources and in- frastructure hence African countries through their government and investor support should create an inventory of existing computing capacities and establish an estimate of the required archi- tecture, tools, and processes that will lead to the purchase of the required High-Performance Computing capacities, storage capacities such as

Implementation of AI in both Africa and other developed countries has proven to be a reliable force to enhance social economic development. As a result, this study highlights the following strategies or recommendations (R) that can be used to promote and leverage the adoption, use, and application of responsible AI in AI startups and other related stakeholders in Africa; R1: Government Support: African Government entities have become more aware of the poten- tial economic and social benefits of developing and implementing AI in their countries. The Gov- ernment should therefore take an active role in fostering AI research, implementing AI guidelines, and policies that support responsible AI, and also, lead to change management which is crucial within organizations to guarantee that AI is suc- cessfully implemented in Africa. R2: AI Awareness: Promote public awareness and understanding of AI technologies and their impact on society mainly in rural areas of Africa where AI is being used to offer solutions to mainly agriculture and healthcare. It is very important to remove the existing uncertainty and fear in the African communities when it comes to compre- hending the function of AI and robotics, as they create major hurdles to AI adoption.

R3: Education: The African education system must be appropriately structured to follow the


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