AI Startups Mapping in Africa

PowerBI, Python, tableau, and DAX tools were used for data analysis and synthesis.

database for African AI startups, develop functional local, national, and regional AI-based tech commu- nities that promote capacity building, motivate in- vestors to invest in the AI startups, strengthen the role of women and female-led AI startups and girls in the tech sectors by addressing gender gaps in access of education, skills, finance, and network, al- locate budgetary provisions to support the devel- opment of AI startups, establish an African based datasets in each sector and lastly, identify infra- structure and support needed to mention a few that will enhance and promote excellence in the growth of AI startups leading to the sustainable so- cial-economic development of Africa countries.

The result shows 63% of the responses indicate that AI startups in African countries have formal educa- tion and are in the initial and intermediate stages of their growth. The major challenges that hinder the growth and establishment of AI startups include limited funding, regulatory barriers, lack of access to data, inadequate infrastructure including inter- net connectivity, and skills shortage. Therefore, the study recommends AI startups enhance collabo- rative networks for resource sharing within the AI stakeholder’s ecosystem, establish a network or


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