AI Startups Mapping in Africa

01 Introduction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a branch of science that studies and develops intelligent machines, is a significant component of the fourth industrial revolution that will lead to fundamental changes in the way people live, work and relate to one another (Jiang et al. 2021; Shen et al. 2021; Jaldi 2023). In recent years, AI is a rapidly growing sec- tor within the African innovation ecosystem with an increase in the number of startups focusing on the application of AI and its related technoligies (Law 2023; “AI in Africa: Unlocking Potential, Ig- niting Progress A Working Paper” 2023; Authur Gwagwa et al. 2020; Sedola, Pescino, and Greene 2021). These startups are leveraging AI to build innovations that address needs and gaps in the continent across different sectors such as agri- culture, healthcare, finance, education, fintech, climate change, public transport, logistics, en- terprise development, and language translation accelerating Africa’s capacity to achieve United Nation’s sustainable development goals (Stand-

ford University 2023; Disrupt Africa report 2022; Engines and Growth 2023; Sampene et al. 2022; Hofmann 2021). In Africa, AI startups have been accelerated by the AI ecosystem which include research institutions, universities, government in- stitutions, corporates, incubators/accelerators, investors, and public & private non-governmen- tal organizations (NGOs), through a holistic ap- proach that acts as a catalyst for propelling their status, challenges, and opportunities. Despite the growth of AI startups in Africa, the potential for the application of AI technologies to revolu- tionize businesses, increase efficiency, and solve social and industrial challenges is still very low (Hofmann 2021; Sinde et al. 2023; UNESCO 2022). To reap the full benefits of responsible AI in Af- rica, it is critical to investigate existing status, challenges, and opportunities for the AI start- ups and their innovation ecosystem to map out measures that will guide and foster effective and sustainable use, development, and adoption of


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