Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa

& Banking, Agriculture, and Education. Healthcare stands out due to its handling of sensitive personal data, requiring robust policies for data protection and ethical AI use. Finance & Banking follow closely, noting the sector’s rapid adoption of AI and the need for tailored policies for financial transactions and data security. Agriculture is highlighted for its economic significance and potential AI-driven transformations to enhance food security and economic growth. Education is seen as pivotal

for shaping human intelligence, digital literacy, and ethical AI use in educational technologies. While other sectors such as Technology, Media, E-commerce, Telecommunications, and Security are also recognized with lesser frequency compared to Healthcare, Finance & Banking, Agriculture, and Education sectors. These sectors present unique challenges and opportunities related to AI, ranging from data management to regulatory oversight and cybersecurity as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Perspective from AI stakeholders on AI Ethical Policy in Africa.

In connection with the identified sectors, the study outlines the top five safety considerations that should be considered when developing AI ethical policies for African countries which include; data privacy and security, reliability and robustness, accountability and responsibility, bias and fairness, and African culture considerations as described in Figure 6.


Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa May, 2024

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