Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa

Figure 6: Top Five AI Ethical Consideration in Africa.

4.1.4 Mapping Impact of AI Ethical Policies in Africa

Africa has been playing a central role in the global AI supply chain, particularly in the early phases whereby countries like Egypt, Rwanda, and Mauritius have published comprehensive strategies (World Bank 2020). Yet, foreign AI technologies dominate the continent, offering AI solutions which are not compatible with the African cultural norms, values, and conduct. Therefore, there is a need for African countries to develop, adopt, and implement AI strategies and policies that favor the local economies and ecosystems. The following in Figure 7 briefly detail the study findings on the adoption and implementation rate of AI ethical policy in Africa, whereby 48% of African countries have implemented and adopted the AI policy or AI strategy or data protection law and Act which is linked to AI, 40% have already started writing or validation the AI strategies, and 12% are in the initial stage of collecting information that will lead to start writing the AI strategies.

(i)Adoption Rate of AI Ethical Policy in Africa

Artificial Intelligence is a principal policy concern globally, in Africa there is an increasing number of countries developing and implementing AI policies, AI strategies and data protection laws and Acts which are in line with the AI ethical conduct (Brief 2023). The adoption and implementation of AI policy facilitates the delivery of governmental services to citizens, unlocking the value of AI to accelerate responsible predictive and prescriptive processes, allowing governments and agencies in the region to drive better services and decision making (Hofmann 2021). However, the implementation and adoption of AI ethical policy and its technologies in Africa faces challenges, including lack of government support, lack of knowledge and technical skills, uncertainty, lack of structured data, and user attitudes. As the capabilities for autonomous decision-making grow, there is an urgent need to rethink responsibility.


Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa May, 2024

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