Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa

Foreword As the world stands at the precipice of a technological revolution driven by artificial intelligence (AI), the ethical implications of this transformative force have never been more pressing. In the heart of this global conversation, Africa emerges not only as a participant but as a pivotal protagonist in shaping the ethical contours of AI adoption and governance. It is with great anticipation and profound optimism that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in collaboration with AfriLabs, presents this ground breaking initiative. Therefore, the mandate is to impact the continent over the next decade through four Strategic Pillars one of which is Research, Evidence, and Learning. This pillar builds on innovative ways to move the continent forward through collaboration and research on what works, where it works, and how it works, and dissemination of learning across Africa and the wider innovation ecosystem, network, and experience gained so far with over 470 innovation centres across 227 cities and 52 African countries is conducting a project to understand the status of AI Ethical Policies in terms of development and application stages and their implications to innovators and entrepreneurs in African countries. This forward-thinking collaborative research seeks to do more than simply assess the current state of affairs; it aspires to catalyse meaningful change. By mapping the status of AI ethical policies and examining their impact on African innovators and entrepreneurs. The study aims to provide a roadmap for excellence in AI adoption, development, and use —one that prioritises national values, social-economic growth and sustainable development.


Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa May, 2024

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