Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa

UK Government. 2023. “Chair’s Summary of the AI Safety Summit 2023, Bletchley Park,” 1–10. media/6543e0b61f1a60000d360d2b/aiss-chair- statement.pdf. UNESCO. 2022. “Landscape Study of AI Policies and Use in Southern Africa.” United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. 2021. And Innovation 2021. World Bank. 2020. “Rwanda Economic Update: Accelerating Digital Transformation in Rwanda,” no. 15. World Health Organization. 2024. Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health. Guidance on Large Multi-Modal Models. World Health Organization. Yeboah, Kofi. 2020. “Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and Inclusive Innovation : Examining Contemporary AI Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa . By Kofi Yeboah Submitted to the Faculty of Arts University of Alberta In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Mast,” no. July: 1–97.


Ethical Horizons - Mapping AI Policy in Africa May, 2024

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