Biola Broadcaster - 1970-09

they changed the name of the book of the Song of Solomon to ‘Canti­ cles’? A. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Solomon wrote these words, as well as many proverbs (I Kings 4:32). Of the more than a thousand songs, this one excels them all, hu­ manly speaking. Canticles is simply an English equivalent of the Latin title to this book meaning “Song of Songs.” No one changed the name, then; it’s just another title for the book. There’s a helpful note explain­ ing this in the New Scofield Bible. Q. Watsonville, Calif.— “Do you think it’s permissible to conclude that our Lord came down to Adam in the cool of the day in a visible form (Gen. 2:5-8)?” A. Yes, we certainly do believe that. Just what form He might have tak­ en we do not know. Adam and Eve actually saw the Lord. And, although it’s not specifically stated, we would dare to suggest that it might be one of the preincamate appearances of our Lord Jesus Christ. Before any plant of the field was in the earth, the Lord God had not caused it to rain. There was no one to till the ground. God reigns over the ground. He planted the garden by breathing over it, just the same as He breathed into the nostrils of man to make him a living soul. Then Adam was placed in the garden and to enjoy it to the fullest possible extent. Q. El Cajon, Calif. — “Why did God reject King Saul?” A. I Chronicles 10:13-14 gives us God’s own definitive words. The Lord had told him to go out and destroy Amalek with all his wicked tribes. This was not done. Years later, Agag, a descendant of Amalek, was the one in the person of Haman who plotted the entire destruction of the 22

nation of Israel. Saul also sought wisdom from a spiritualist which was absolutely forbidden. Our wis­ dom should always come from the Lord. Saul sought to by-pass God’s authorized way. Q . La Habra, Calif. — “Would you explain the meaning of the phrase, 7 am’?” A. It’s one of the most majestic titles found in the entire Word of God. Just one of these passages is Exodus 3:14-15. I am sure you un­ derstand the background here. Moses was fearful of his people’s unwill­ ingness to listen. He wanted to have some explanation which would carry authority. “Whom shall I say sent me,” was his question. “What’s your name?” God answered clearly, “Tell them ‘I am’ hath sent you.” That term means that God is the ever­ present One. He’s not in the past, for there’s no such thing with Him al­ though He has ever existed. The same phrase is used in the New Tes­ tament by our Lord in John 8:58. The Saviour claims that He is God, because in the Old Testament it’s only God who could say “I am hath sent you.” We can revel in the beauty and glory of this description, “I am.” Q. Long Beach, Calif. — “Explain the heave-offerings (Numbers 15:19). Also, why was Aaron hesitant in go­ ing ahead to do the thing he did in Leviticus 10:19?” A. Read Exodus, chapters 25-40, all of Leviticus, and studies in the book of Numbers. You’ll find that there were five offerings: the sin-offering, the burnt offering, trespass-offering, peace - offering and meal - offering. Certain offerings were indicated to be waved, that is, from right to left. Others were to be lifted. Do you note the pattern of these motions in form­ ing a cross? These things, too, fore-

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