Timothy 1:8-11). Paul wanted Timo thy to know for sure that he was dedicated to preaching the truth. Christianity only comes by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Paul asserts, “which God, who cannot lie, promised” (verse 2, comp. Heb. 6:18). God’s nature al ways speaks the truth. No circum stance can arise which will ever cause Him to deviate one iota. When God makes a promise, He keeps His Word, no matter what else may take place. The Holy Word of God is truth (John 17:17). Isn’t it re markable how well Paul enunciates these vital matters to Titus? May it give our hearts even greater assur ance and promise! C hapter T hree I n T itus 1:2 we have the interest ing word promised, referring to God’s grace in salvation. The Lord never goes back on His word! The Creator cannot lie. The Bible assures us of eternal life to those who be lieve, and eternal damnation to those who reject God’s truth. (John 5:24, 1 John 5:10-13). If we refuse to be lieve the Biblical record, we thereby brand God a liar. If we have the Son of God living in our lives, we have everlasting life. If we have not the Son of God we do not have life. It’s as simple, plain, and clear as that. When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into our lives to baptize, seal, and lead us (Ephesians 4:30). God holds each person responsible who has had an opportunity to hear the Word but who has refused to receive it. It’s a serious thing to know that God so loved the world that He gave Jesus to die for sinners, and yet to do nothing more with the truth. Such action, or lack of action, on the part of an unbeliever is sin enough to condemn the soul forever into dark ness, away from God eternally. The hope of salvation is in the promise 29
apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect.” The Greek word tr a n s la te d “according to” means “with reference to.” His ap pointment came from Almighty God. He was chosen before the foundation of the world. He preached the Gos pel of the grace of God, minus legal ism, Judaism, or any other “ism” that might arise. An individual be comes a member of the Church, or the body of Christ, through faith in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul is God’s apostle. His calling was not of man. It is God’s good pleasure to save lost men and women. But the sinner becomes a believer by hearing the Word (Ro mans 10:9-17). Only truth, that which is found in the Gospel, can set men free from sin. Jesus said, in John 8 :32, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Truth mixed with error will never bring salvation. It must be pure. Paul declared that if an angel from heaven, or any other creature, should preach any other message than the Gospel of God’s grace, that messen ger would be accursed (Galatians 1 : 8 ). Verse one closes with the phrase “which is after godliness.” You see, truth received brings godliness. If we walk in the truth, we shall be come more like Christ with whom we commune and fellowship. God didn’t call Paul to give reports or sermon- ettes on current events. Even so, every minister is called of God to preach the truth which has to do with salvation. Heaven is prepared for a people who go there at the end of life’s journey. In verse two we have the expres sion, “in hope of eternal life.” This doesn’t suggest that Paul was cher ishing the hope of eternal life. His desire was that others might have the hope of salvation. This is why he was called to preach to the Gen tiles. “Be thou not therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” (II
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