Biola Broadcaster - 1970-09

(Titus 3:2). The work began with Paul, but continued with Titus (Ti­ tus 1:5). Christianity was evidently quite widespread on Crete. The churches that had started were defi­ cient in organization. They needed this positive instruction and doc­ trine. Setting in order churches that have gone wrong is a very delicate and large task. In many ways it’s far more difficult th an evangelizing brand-new fields. When sin gets into a church, it’s hard to dislodge it. An elder is one who is to administer an office. The selection was made by the whole assembly of churches on the island of Crete, under the guidance of Titus. This was to be done in every city. This epistle is a formal investing of Titus with the authority to act as Paul’s agent. It was imperative for the cause of Christianity that the right type of men be placed in positions of leader­ ship in the churches in Crete. Verse 6 clearly defines the social require­ ments, “If any man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children that believe, who are not accused of riot or unruly.” These domestic qualifications are extremely impor­ tant. It is seen that an elder must be married. This would rule out the aspect of celibacy as some would teach today. Paul has much to say about marriage and remarriage. (I Timothy 5:14, Romans 7:2-3, I Co­ rinthians 7:39). Paul insists on the sanctity of the marriage relation­ ship. In view of divorce practices present among the Romans, as well as the Jews, the apostle’s message was vital. It’s strategic for us to con­ sider in times like these. C hapter F ive I t ’ s so important for our under­ standing to realize that the mes­ sage of the Bible is applicable to our circumstances today. Such is the case with the message we find in the book of Titus. We find in the first

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