rational in possession of the full use of their faculties. Second, they’re to be grave, which means dignity of bearing, inviting respect and rever ence. Third, they were to be sober- minded, which means well-balanced, possessing a regulated mind. They were to be discreet and prudent in every sense of the word. This is why it’s always good, especially in our own day, to select elders, deacons, trustees, or whatever you call your board, to have a good mixture or bal ance of the older as well as the younger men. The older we get, the more we tend to become conserva tive. Younger men are full of pep and vitality. They’re forward-look ing. The ideal leadership in the church is a combination of the two types. Next, they’re to be sound in the faith, in love, and in patience. These are the recognized essentials of Christian character. If you have real faith, coupled with a tremendous love, blended with patience, you’ll possess the trilogy of the virtues of Christian living. Patience pictures that brave spirit with which the Christian endures the trials and test ings of life, without losing heart. The youth should be able to profit by what they see in the older lives. Verse three points out that the aged women likewise must show Christian character. They’re to be reverent in demeanor; their external deportment reveals the inner life. It's sad to see so many older people who are bitter and hard to get along with. You show me an elderly man or woman who really loves the Lord and I’ll show you someone to whom the younger people love to come. Next, they’re not to be slanderers. They’re not to make evil accusations against other people. Christianity de livers from the bondage of sin. Paul writes to Titus, the pastor at Crete, writing to older men and women, so that we may all work together for the cause of Christ. 35
trast to the false teachers about whom Paul had been speaking. The preaching of Titus is founded on the unshakable verities of the Gospel. The Gospel is the vehicle of Christ’s healing powèr over the soul. Believ ers must maintain a conduct that be comes the Christian. Paul then begins with the older people, since they have the most in fluence in their group relationships. Such individuals play a very impor tant part in the life of the church. The extent of their influence de pends wholly upon the sweetness and mellowness of their Christian char acter. First, they’re to be temperate. This literally means “unmixed with wine.” So, the person is to be sober. It has a wider meaning than just the use of alcohol. They’re to be fully
Wlfh classes beginning in September en the Biele campus, the Biola Book Room will be one of the most important areas of activity.
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