did four things. As we arrange them in a little different order, we find in the first place that there is re demption through His blood ; second, the forgiveness of sins; third (back to verse 13), deliverance from the power of darkness; fourth, transla tion into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. It’s been well said that wher ever one cuts the Bible, it bleeds. This speaks of God’s only way of salvation, for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. Every altar in the Old Testa ment which concerns man’s atone ment calls for the shedding of blood. Immediately following is the forgive ness of sins. It takes an infinitely holy, just and loving God to accomp lish this. What a great blessing that we should no longer be children of darkness! How wonderful is the light of the Saviour’s love! Jesus alone could say, “I am the light of the world.” As a result, we’re to walk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleas ing, so that we might be fruitful in every good work. F ru it-b e a r in g doesn’t always have to do with the winning of souls. Look at the list of attributes in Galatians 5:22. Walking in a faithful manner, we’re to increase in the knowledge of God. This comes through regular study, and meditation on the Word of God. God promises us strength which is according to His glory and power. This is the promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit. In all of this we’re not to forget to give thanks. I think this is one of the most important characteristics for the fruitful Christian life. How often we forget to give thanks to God by the way we live! When we worry and fret, we’re not giving thanks. We should manifest a spirit of thankfulness to Almighty God for all He’s done for us. Surely people would then take knowledge th a t we’ve been with Jesus. God grant that this might be true of each one of us as we seek to glorify the Lord. 7
by Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland
O NE OF the most blessed aspects of the Christian is to start maturing and bearing fruit for our Lord. In Colossians 1:10-18 we have a wonderful passage on the subject. We are urged to be “fruitful in every good work.” Christ is the Head of the Church, and in all things He should have the pre-eminence. This is one of the great passages of Scrip tures, giving us a word-picture of the Lord. Christ is the image of the invisible God. Jesus Christ is more than merely an image, which is in animate. He is the One who reveals God to us. The word “firstborn,” re ferring to Christ, is compound Greek word which literally means “to cause to be.” You see, Christ is the One who first caused to be every creature (v. 16). Everything was caused to be by Him. Now, there are three Heavens re ferred to in Scripture. The first is our atmosphere. Then, there’s the entire universe. Finally, the third heaven is the very throne of God. Here, the heavens referred to are the first and second heavens. It does not mean God’s throne or the third heav en which is eternal. You see, we’re not dealing with any ordinary per son. He is the One who created all things. In verses 13-14 we find that He
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