King's Business - 1962-03


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T h e K i n g © B n s i n e © © A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S> H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board MARCH, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 53, No. 3 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home A / M RU SSIAN N A T IO N A L ISM : FRIEND OR FOE? — Dick Hillis ........ 10 TROUBLE SHOOTERS — Vance Hamer ................................... 12 U N S A IN T L Y S A IN T S — A. W. Tozer ................................... 13 GOD BLESSED M E W IT H A H EART A T T A C K — Richard G. Dunwoody ..................................................... 14 PRAYER IS A BRIDGE — J. Edgar Hoover .............................. 15 ARE M ISSIO N A R IE S U N B A L A N C E D ? — J. Norton Sterrert ........ 16 I W A S LOST — YOU W ERE IN A HURRY — Anonymous ........ 17 OUR BROKEN HOM ES — Billy Graham ............................. ..... 18 THE THEORY T H A T BABY LO N M U S T BE REBUILT — Roy L. Aldrich .............................................................. 25 STRANGE TH IN G S ABO U T FISH — Walter L. Wilson ............... 44 DED ICATED TO M ISSIO N S — Paul Goodman — Picture Story ..... 48 Fudum GUEST ED ITO R IA L — Herman A. Hoyt ................................. 6 DR. TA LBO T 'S QUESTION BO X — Louis T. Talbot ................... 20 T A L K IN G IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................ 22 PERSONAL EVANG ELISM — Benjamin Weiss ............................ 23 PEARLS FROM M A N Y SEAS — T. J. Bach .............................. 24 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ................................. ..... 29 BOOK REVIEW S — Arnold Ehlert ........................................... 30 THE C H R IST IA N SEN T IN EL — Nelson S. Dilworth ................... 33 W O R LD N EW SG R AM S — James O. Henry ................................ 38 SC IENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ..................... 39 THE C H R IST IA N HOM E — Paul Bayles .................................. 42 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ................... 43 A L U M N I N EW S — Inez MeGahey ........................................... 47 Mum READER REACTION ................................................................ 4 V O X POP ............................................................................... 8 H O M IL E T IC A L HELPS ............................................................. 21 PEOPLE IN THE N EW S ........................................................... 35 TOW N A N D C AM PU S N EW S ................................................ 46 — All Rights Reserved —



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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor


JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager

EDITORIAL BOARD William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith


SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $ 1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.


MARCH, 1962

The finest Bibles you can buy A NEW LONG PRIMER RED LETTER CONCORDANCE BIBLE 04994x Modified self-pronouncing with 100,000 chain references and all the words of Christ printed in red. Levant grain Calf, half circuit, simulated leather lining, round corners, red under gold edges. Family Record. Black or Red. 5% x 8% x 1". $15.45


AP PR EC IAT IO N FOR ED ITOR IALS The Message from the Editor on “ Is This Another Shadow of the Anti-Christ” (October, 1961) is very interesting since I am working at a rather modernistic area here in Turkey. I am a Mennonite and my views on spiritual things are often laughed at. Discussions we have recently had on Christ as God’s only begotten Son are sometimes very sad. I can’t under­ stand why one would consider himself a Christian and yet not have real faith in Christ as being God’s only Son. Before I came to Turkey I listened to your program regularly in Fresno. Mildred Brandt, Kayseri, Turkey In this day when so many Christian leaders don’t speak with a definite stand concerning the great apostates of our day, I can only thank God for your frankness. Because we have been quiet for the last several decades, the church is what it is today. We can no longer afford to soft- peddle our voices while a world dies. W e must stand or accept the punishment. Roger Winter, Wheaton College, Wheaton, III. M A G A Z IN E USED AS GIFTS Recently, when we were trying to think of a different way to remember the fami­ lies of our parish, we came upon the sug­ gestion in THE KING’S BUSINESS that pastors send issues to congregations. Thank you for the idea. W e did just that. We are sure that it will be appreciated as much as anything we have ever sent our people since we entered the ministry about twenty years ago. Rev. Allen and Irene Fast, Cordell, Oklahoma FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS I have been enjoying your magazine so much. However, now it has stopped com­ ing to me. It has been such a help to me in the ministry guiding in spiritual growth. If it is possible to send it again, I would greatly appreciate it. I use it to give to others after I have finished. P. O. Hmawngchuan, Tripura, India E ditor ’ s N ote : Gift subscriptions to mis­ sionaries and native evangelists are made possible as readers invest in THE KING’S BUSINESS “ Free Fund.” A ll gifts for this purpose, tax deductible, are sent entirely as subscriptions to those who cannot afford to purchase the magazine. The “ Free- Fund” is currently depleted. Your help will be appreciated. QUESTION BOX C O M M EN T S Every article in your magazine is a special blessing. However, “The Question Box” is just like listening to Dr. Talbot on the radio or in person. May God con­ tinue to bless you all. H. S. Elwood, St. Paul, Minnesota

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M IN IS T R Y OF PRAYER Over a period of several years I have noticed a small ad in your magazine con­ cerning the fact that you remember in prayer the needs of your readers. I have written several times and thank the Lord that our request has been answered in a way beyond what we could ask or think. We have remembered the Bible Institute with our tithe. Mrs. WolterS/ Riverside, California NOT A M ISS Recently you printed a letter by me and unfortunately it was signed “Miss” and not “Mrs.” I have been married for 13 years. M y brother took one look at it and said, “What’s the matter? Are you ashamed of being married?” Maybe you AR T IC LE ON V IRG IN BIRTH Would it be possible to purchase copies of the article on “ The Virgin Birth” (I. M. Haldeman, December, 1961)? We re­ ceived this issue as a special Christmas card from a friend and enjoyed it so much. I have clipped out several articles and sent them along to friends. Mrs. Dorothy Cole, Altadena, California E ditor ’ s N ote : Extra issues of the D e­ cember KING'S BUSINESS have been sent. A few copies remain on a “first come first served !” basis. I want to thank you for the article on The Virgin Birth by Dr. Haldeman. I heard it when it was first delivered in his church in New York City. Miss Lila A. Fields, Greenfield, California N EW READERS JO IN KB F A M IL Y After having not seen your magazine for quite a number of years, I recently came across it in the home of a fellow­ missionary. If you have any back num­ bers to send, I would appreciate this sub­ scription starting with last October. Paul C. Gulley, Jacutinga, Brazil I happened on your magazine in a rela-' five’s home and found it so helpful in reading our daily Scriptures. It is so true to the faith. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Burton, San Diego, Calif. M y first subscription of THE KING’S' BUSINESS came as a Christmas gift. We serve Christ in the rural areas of north­ ern Idaho under Village Missions. Your magazine has proven to be a real bless-, ing and inspiration and is the only one which I have reordered. Rev. Paul R. Cochran, Fernwood, Idaha A S T R O N A U T AR T IC LE APPREC IATED I particularly enjoyed Dr. Sutherland’s article, “ I Am an Astronaut” (January, 1962). In connection with that, F. W. Grant says, “ There will be three crossings of believers through the waters. The first was through the Red Sea, the second through Jordan, and the third will be through the air.” Mrs. Irene Breeze, Los Angeles, California could correct this. Mrs. Jeannie Morton


Thrill the Heart of a Desolate Child, Hungry for Comfort and Love Each of these children is longing for a “ Daddy and Mommie” or “ Big Brother or Sister” — someone who

cares. For only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day — you will provide the orphan you select with Christian love and care, shelter, food and clothing, as well as school tuition and books. A friend can join you as a co-sponsor — only $4 each a month — or your Sunday School or an organization group to which you belong may gladly become a sponsor. The orphan you select will know you as sponsor. You will receive the child’s picture, name, address and life story, as well as the story and picture of the Orphanage. You can write or send packages, and replies will be prompt and in English. This personal contact thrills sponsors and blesses them too, just as this work has been so greatly blessed of the Lord. Many new sponsors are desperately needed now to take more hungry, hopeless children off the streets and into one of our 118 Homes. Two Lives You Can Brighten and Bless No. X -l above is Jung Ahn Soon. Her father, a soldier, was killed in action during the Korean War. Three years later her mother also died. The child’s grandmother cared for her for 3 years but had to give her up due to extreme poverty. A deacon of a church brought her to our Hope Orphanage.

No. X-2 is Hong Kyung Joo. Both parents of this boy died during the Korean conflict. His uncle took him in but after a time found that he could not earn enough to buy food and clothing for him. The Superintendent of our Hope Orphanage brought him to the Home. He is in the 7th grade and doing well. Each of the children pictured, in fact, all of those in our Orphanages, have heart­ breaking stories. But they are learning to live happy, Christian lives, sing Christian songs, study the Bible and earnestly pray. They are led to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Grasp this God-given opportunity to bring up a boy or girl to be a Christian leader in Korea, so greatly in need of the saving Gospel. Literature for your group gladly supplied. Just write or phone.

The ESEA is caring for over 11,000 Korean orphans, chil­ dren of lepers, deaf, dumb and blind children and war widow’s children. Its work is widely known. The Korean govern­ ment has given their highest honor to ESEA. It is registered with the Illinois Secy, of State and Internal Revenue Dept, of the U.S. Govt. Dedicated, con­ scientious, economical work through 10 years has produced wonderful and lasting results. More than 13 million meals are served each year in our 118 orphanages. Each one is a Christian institution with Bi­ ble believing staff and Board members. Sponsors are urgent­ ly needed. Write or phone now.

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Dept. K-3 Chicago 31, Illinois I------------------------------CLIP AND M A IL T O D A Y ------------------------------ 1 I □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is i | N um ber--------- If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I ' may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for ■ □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. I □ I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $------T„ , I □ Please mail folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.” Name -------------- ---------------------------------------- r„„..„rill. J C ity -------— ............... ............ ...... Zone ........ State _______________ • Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association, Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-3, 4848 No. Leonard, Chicago 31, III., Tel. GL. 6-8181 |


MARCH, 1962


The Superstate and Its Issues

by Dr. Herman A . Hoyt, Dean, Grace Theological Seminary


The swiftly moving events of the present hour are converging on the time of the end. The lateness of the hour is apparent, but no one knows how late. Viewed in the light of prophecy, it would appear that the time for the ushering out of this present order and the ushering in of a new order is at the very doors. It is therefore high time for the voices who speak for God to cry aloud and spare not. And it is time for the church to hear the voice of the prophetic word, “ For the time is at hand” (Rev. 1 :3 ; 22:10). The political and religious scene is moving swiftly into the pattern of events set forth in the prophetic word. For most students of prophecy these aspects of eschatological events of the end time are more obvious. But the ramifications are little realized. In some small way students of prophecy recognize the necessity for widespread preparation for the appearance of the superchurch and the superstate, but they little realize the nature of that preparation. I. THE PLANS IN THE M A K IN G Less than a decade and a half ago, the United Nations came into exis­ tence. It took on proportions that were never a part of the League of Na­ tions and commended itself to the government of the United States of Am ­ erica. On its face its purpose was to promote good international relations to the end of maintaining peace among the nations of the world. This is one aspect of this giant organization of nations that has been constantly before the public. And it is this one thing that gradually has been win­ ning approval from the rank and file of the citizens of this land and for that matter of the world. A n y thinking individual must conclude that this great organization is far more complex than it appears on the surface. It must be recognized that the divisions and departments of this organization are multiple, all of them working under a common purpose and toward a common end to accomplish the gigantic task of promoting peace. The superplan must inevitably provide for peace not only for the present but also for the future. And this plan must of necessity envision an organization that en­ larges and solidifies and finally becomes absolute and universal. To accomplish this feat, there must of necessity be a preparation of the minds of the peoples of all sovereign states. They must be prepared to surrender their sovereignty for the common good of the whole. This requires education. Therefore, from the very 'outset of the United Na­ tions there has been a division of it known as UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. It has been the pur­ pose of this division to conceive, produce, provide,~ and promote a master plan for the education and preparation of the peoples of the world for world government. To the average person the plan up to this point is quite acceptable. It is the application of the plan that brings the problems ....... II. THE PLOT AGA INST FREEDOM OF EDUCAT ION A t first glance, the plans of UNESCO would never be regarded as a plot against the freedom of education in this land. In a series of nine vol­ umes prepared by this organization, the procedure is outlined under the very acceptable title, “ Toward World Understanding.” The titles on these various books are very disarming: (1 ) Some Suggestions on Teach­ ing about the U. N . and its Specialized Agencies; (2 ) The Education and Training of Teachers; (3 ) A Selected Bibliography; (4) The U. N. and World Citizenship; (5 ) In the Classroom with Children Under 13 Years of Age; (6 ) The Influence of Home and Community on Children Under THE KING 'S BUSINESS

“Character Before Career” Accredited college preparation for boys. Distinctive Christian train­ ing. Grades eight to college en­ trance. Boys from sixteen states and sixteen foreign countries. Full athletic program. 70-acre campus, accessible by car or train. Fortieth year. For a catalogue , write the headmaster , Dr. Frank E. Gaebelein Box 80 Stony Brook, Long Island, N.Y. Training With Purpose All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical core.

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13 Years of Age; (7 ) Some Suggestions on the Teaching of Geography; (8) A Teachers’ Guide to the Declaration of Human Rights; (9 ) Some Suggestions on Teaching World History. From the C o n g r e s s i o n a l R e c o r d this statement describes the pro­ cedure adopted by these booklets. “ They begin by advancing the totally unAmerican doctrine that the prime function of public education in the United States must be that of capturing the minds of our children, at the earliest possible age for the cause of political world government.” Kvery teacher, every subject, and every moment of school hours are to be care­ fully directed to accomplish this purpose. There is to be ah elimination of everything that would in any way produce loyalty to the nation on the one hand, and a supplementing with everything that will in any way produce world-mindedness on the other. The procedures are augmented by a number of things in order to in­ sure success. Not only are methods employed to discourage patriotism, but these include definite efforts to destroy parental control, corrupt the morals of the children, suppress the truth, and poison the minds of these teachers. III. THE PROMOTION OF THE SCHEME UNESCO has been able to carry its plans so far that they are being implemented by legislation in the Congress of the United States. A bill known as “Convention Against Discrimination in Education” may shortly come before the United States Senate in the form of a treaty. Ratification of this treaty would deliver the entire American educational system into th UNESCO-international control. National, state, and local control of education would disappear immediately. It is shocking to think that such a thing could happen. But on the other hand, the movement in the thinking of the citizens of this country, including those who sit in high places in the government, has shifted, and how far, it is impossible to estimate. Under the guise of good, our own Congressman could be swept into a vote for something that in its out­ working could produce nothing but a loss of freedom, and a loss of freedom at a point where eventually we could lose all our freedoms. The preciousness of our freedom, especially in education, needs again to be stressed. The precariousness of the situation only emphasizes the value of our freedom. If the freedom of education is lost, the foundation is then laid for the loss of every other freedom that we count a part of the American way of life. IV . THE PERTINENCY TO THE CHURCH To the church there is a freedom that rises even above that of educa­ tion, and that is the freedom of religion. But freedom of religion and freedom of education are vitally associated. They cannot be separated. If freedom of education is lost, this will penetrate farther than the public school. It will include every private and parochial school as well. This will mean a definite change in the curriculum of the private and parochial school. Such change will strike at the very heart of true religion, which is truth. Truth as it is set forth in the Bible is the very foundation for conserva­ tive Christianity. Liberalism, the refection of the Bible, now sweeping through Christendom, will thus be aided, bringing on not only limitation of operation for believers, but also persecution for those who refuse to conform to the limitations. This can result in widespread destruction of the forces of true Christianity. It is therefore evident that the church has the largest stake of all in the proposed legislation. Not only will civil and educational liberties be lost, but even more important than those, religious liberty will be lost, for they all go together. Though the loss of all these appear in the pro­ phetic picture of the endtime, it is the business of the believer to do all he can to prevent the loss of them. This can well mean that every energy should be bent in the direction of bringing pressure to bear upon our Con­ gressmen. But it certainly means that this is a time for prayer and new dedication to the task committed to us. Now is the time to act.

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MARCH, 1962


This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc WHY CONDEMN DIVORCE? In the comment (January, 1962) concerning divorce, there is a Biblical answer. Under the law divorce can be seen: Deut. 24:1-4; Matt. 5: 31, 32; 19:3-9. Under the church age, in which we live, divorce is strictly forbid­ den: Romans 7:2-3; I Cor. 7: 10-11, 39. If the church does not take a more definite stand on di­ vorce, our home life will soon be a thing of the past. Today our churches are pat­ terning their standards too much after the movie world, instead of the Bible. Whenever a preacher per­ forms the marriage ceremony for a divorced person, he breaks that part of the mar­ riage ceremony which says "the union in which you are now entering is dissolved by death only." What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Rev. Harry A. McGimsey, Hemet, California. Divorce has become the scourge of our nation. Truly there are misunderstandings, but, as Christians, what ought we do— run to an attor­ ney ; run away from each oth­ er? We ought to run to the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ who can iron out each wrinkle in our lives. Anegla Santucci, Castro Valley, California.

I was a little upset over the letter concerning di­ vorce. We condemn divorce be­ cause the Bible does. Divorce happened to some members of my family, and because of it their children have never lived it down. When we break one of God's commands we must always pay. }irs. Fred M. Stranz, Cen- tralia, Washington. The questioner started by asking why the church con­ demns divorce, when actually it is the Bible. One minister I have talked with has said, "I always have and always will marry divorced people when asked to." The Bible, however, forbids this ac­ tion. Divorce no more cures un­ happy marriages than death cures leprosy. Marital dis­ cord is due to a lack of love. I do not mean sexual attrac­ tion or any other physical emotion. The love of Christ will clear away hatred, fear, deceit, cruelty and indif­ ference. According to Matthew 19:9 (and other Scriptures), a di­ vorced woman has no right to marry, and the one who di­ vorces his (or her) mate is hardly to be commended. John the Baptist was a Jew and it was quite common and legal for a Jew to marry his deceased brother's wife. Al­ so it reads, "Phillip's wife" not "Phillip's widow." Herod had taken to wife a woman whose husband was still liv­ ing. John the Baptist was im­ prisoned and beheaded be­ cause he voiced his disap­ proval. He did not trim down his sermons to please men, even kings. Mrs. Gladys Hamersley, Comox, B.C., Canada.

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MARCH, 1962


“ nr'oDAY the people of Russia are more nationalistic -1L than communistic,” said a Christian friend of mine. In the last two years, this businessman has twelve times walked the streets of Moscow and mingled with the Russian people. I was both surprised and pleased as I listened to my friend cite illustrations. These are the questions that came to my mind: Is nationalism weakening Commun­ ism right at its very heart? Have the Communists been unsuccessful, after all, at indoctrinating the Russian people? Are the Communists facing at home a rival loy­ alty that might destroy them? Is the world situation more hopeful that it looks on the surface? As I 'have since reflected upon my experience with Communist strategy in China, I have come to the con­ clusion that Russian nationalism may be the cleverest weapon Communism has yet forged against us. The Communist Party in Russia is not large, but it has a grandiose end in view: the conquest of the world. To reach this goal is must have the support of the non- Communist majority of Russians. In its early history, the Party held the people in subjection through clever, persistent brain-washing and intimidation. Mass liquidation of all who opposed the Communists or who failed to co-operate with them soon produced a subjugated people. But suppressed masses do not build international strength. A cause must be in­ vented that would give the Russian people — millions who were not Marxists •— a sense of destiny and im­ portance while speeding the Party toward world domi­ nation. So “Mother Russia” has been made the god of the Russian people. Patriotism is taught from every textbook. While the Communist leaders are careful to check the total loyalty of each Party member, they do not force

Russian Nationalism

Friend Or Foe?

by Dr. Dick Hillis Director, Overseas Crusades



the majority of Russian people into doctrinaire Marx­ ism. Rather, by a sort of pseudo-nationalism, the minor­ ity controls the majority. In the hands of the power- hungry Communist leaders this nationalism is a solid, terrifying reinforcement to international piracy. The Communist Party in Russia has had forty years to establish its identity with the motherland. All in­ formation to the people is screened by the government and passed through government-controlled press, radio, and television. This means the people hear only what the Party wants them to hear. The Party has built up the national wealth and international prowess of Russia. The country has been industrialized, mineral resources are being exploited, the waste lands of the northeast are being developed. Russia claims to be the scientific giant of the world. The people enjoy greater educational opportunities and more material prosperity than ever before. Though there are dissatisfactions, frustrations, resentments because of curtailed liberties, the Russian people stand behind the Party in its international movements because it repre­ sents the motherland — Russia. The Communists have achieved for Russia the world prestige that any people covet. I myself naively hoped that the destruction of the power of Communist leaders by the Western world in satellite countries would bring'the Russian people rally­ ing to the cause of freedom. However, because of Russian nationalism, this is no longer possible. So thoroughly have the Communists exploited the natural patriotism of the people that when the Communist Party finds itself in danger, the Russian people feel that the whole mother­ land is threatened. America has now two enemies in Rus­ sia: an aggressive communist ideology, and an expan­ sionist Russian nationalism more subtly dangerous be­ cause actually they are one. This same strategy is used by Communists in the subversion of other nations. Into chaotic new countries the Communists come, offering a disciplined political organization, a manageable economic system, and ex­ perienced leadership in education and industrialization. The Communists claim to work for the good of the peo­ ple, building the nation, bringing it both internal sta­ bility and international significance. We saw this hap­ pen to Cuba in the past year. But soon the new nation begins to experience the destruction of basic human values. “ The good of the people” turns out to be a superficial economic good, ministering to the advancement of the state rather than the individual. Furthermore, soon the state is subjecting all its foreign affairs to the Russian policy-makers. It be­ comes more and more pro-Russian in its international outlook. How is this accomplished? For more than two dec­ ades the Communists have •hand-picked key youth in every land. Each one is given free transportation to Rus­ sia and free schooling upon his arrival. These youth never leave Russia until they are converted Communists. At no time during their training is it suggested that they should renounce their own citizenship and become Russian. They are not to become Russians, but are to become Communists, whose ultimate loyalty will be to the Party leaders in Russia. Their task will be the con­ version of their own countries’ governments to Com­ munism, and their eyes always will be upon Russia as the heart of world revolution. When the Communist leaders are satisfied that the young trainees have fully accepted Marxism and are totally dedicated to the Communist cause, then and then only do they return them to their own countries. Each

young radical upon his arrival in his homeland becomes active in patriotic movements, and wins his countrymen to the movement he supports. Korean youth were not told to make North Korea Communist. They were told to save it from the Ameri­ can imperialists. Thousands of Vietnamese youth gave their lives to save Vietnam from the French — they thought. Actually, they were conquering it for Com­ munism. As I write, Laotian farm boys are leaving the hoe to take up the gun. Ask them what they are fighting for and they will tell you they must save their beloved land from American imperialism. They are patriotic, they are nationalistic; but they have been deceived. Their nationalism will destroy the nation, for they are helping Communist-trained Laotian leaders to win the country for Communism. Mao-Tse-Tung and his cronies, all educated in Rus­ sia, used the same method to take over China. Their patriotic propaganda was so clever that thousands of Chinese youths joined the Communist army. Here again they were told that they were saving China from the West. I was captured by the Chinese Communists in 1948. A nineteen-year-old lieutenant ordered my family and me out of our home. During the two months, he and his men lived in our house, I had opportunity to ques­ tion him. The young lieutenant had been a Communist only eleven months. I asked him why he had put down his books and taken up arms to fight for a foreign power. He didn’t know what I meant. I told him that he was not fighting for his motherland, but for international Communism, which was determined to enslave the whole world, and that, when it was over, a Russian would be sitting on the top of the Communist hierarchy. The young soldier was incensed. The Russians were China’s best friends, he declared. They alone supported China in its struggle to rid itself of imperialism’s chains. The lieutenant spoke for thousands of others who helped Communist-trained Mao Tse-Tung conquer China, The bait the Communist used to trap and deceive these youths was patriotism. Russian or Communist-manipulated nationalism is dangerous for the free world. Does it follow that Am­ erican nationalism is the answer to this dangerous foe? Is the Christian to let himself become absorbed in an anti-Communist American nationalism? There is no ques­ tion but what the building of a new patriotism in the hearts of our youth would strengthen our nation. How­ ever, the deliverance of the world from Communist chains will not be brought about merely by a fresh upsurge of Americanism. If America is to be spared, it will be be­ cause God’s people call upon Him for mercy that they might be given time to glorify Him through the further spread of the Gospel both at home and abroad . American foreign policy advocates self-determination for all peoples. We want man’s inherent longings for liberty and law to be realized in the developing govern­ ments of new nations. America stands for the extension of the freedoms expressed in our Bill of Rights. As Christians, we have’ obligations to God, govern­ ment, church, and world. We dare not shirk our political responsibility. “Honor all man,” says Peter. “ Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the King.” Honoring the king or government includes praying for and obeying, submission and service. Today the Communists are using nationalism to spread an inhuman and atheistic system across the globe. Let us as Christian Americans renew our dedication to God and to- our country as it opposes this evil.

MARCH, 1962


W e have a word for it nowadays, “ trouble-shooter.” Big business employs men to look out for possi­ ble “ bugs” and breakdowns. God has such men in the .church. They are New Testament prophets. They are Divinely equipped for the job. They have an instinct for locating trouble and a genius for exposing it. Naturally, th£y are not popular. It is much more pleasant to be a Gamaliel, keeping everything quiet in Jerusalem than a Paul, exceedingly troubling Philippi. Such men are called trouble-makers but they do not create the situa­ tion; they reveal it. If they call attention to the bushels and beds that smother Christian testimony, they should not be accused of making the bushels and setting up the beds. They do not put delinquent Christians on the spot. Such people are already on the spot. The prophet merely reveals the spot. We need some sanctified trouble-shooters today. We have trouble aplenty. We are beset without and within. The temple of Truth is not endangered half as much by woodpeckers without as by termites within. The atheists who hammer on the outside make a lot of noise, but the pests who bore on the inside are doubly dangerous be­ cause they are so quiet about it. The New Testament teaches pest extermination. Today the idea seems to have gotten around that we should never disturb the status quo but go along with it, termites and all. The church has a right and a duty to screen out all varieties of bugs. It will take more than brains. If brains could untie the knot, they have had plenty of time to do it. Man is not going to think himself out of this dilemma. Indeed, it is a wisdom that knows not God that has brought us to the edge- of this abyss. We recognize the value of con- secrated intellects and well-informed minds. I have heard of a brother who said at prayer-meeting, “ Lord, I thank Thee that I’m ignorant.” Someone remarked: “ Evidently he .has a lot to be thankful fori” But it will take more than a symposium of brilliant minds and panel discus­ sions by the intelligentsia to solve our riddle. Our Lord did n6t hold seminars in Rome, Alexandria and Athens. He set the pattern. Hp was the supreme Prophet of all time. Prophets are a peculiar lot. They have moved nations and changed the course of history. They did not do it with carefully worked-out theses from a post-graduate school. Amos had no travel cards and boasted no degrees but he was more than a match for Amaziah, the court preacher of Bethel. John the Baptist did not draw crowds to the Jordan by putting on a public debate with the rab­ bis. He had no gimmicks. He did not even offer a copy of Isaiah to the oldest grandmother present or a free cam­ el ride to whoever brought most people to the meetings. He lived in touch with Headquarters and spoke for God. There is not much demand for prophets today but never was the need greater. Churches all too often want highly specialized professionals, experts in public rela­ tions, able to minister acceptably in Suburbia where church membership is fast becoming just good business. Prophets are too disturbing. A prophet is a contradiction to his generation. He is a cause of general uneasiness. He stabs fhe consciences of Ahabs and Herods and keeps

Darius awake all night. He plays havoc with the serenity school and irritates the tranquilizers. He has never learned to talk in such a way that half of what he says cancels the other half so that he finishes without having said anything. Just when false prophets of peaceful coexistence have almost lulled everybody into a stupor, the true prophet blasts the neighborhood with a siren that cries aloud and spares not. While scholars write wordy vol­ umes that nobody reads, the prophet says it in one color­ ful paragraph. He locates the trouble and proposes the remedy. He does not write a treatise on the subject; he calls to repentance. Joseph Parker said, “ The man whose sermon is ‘Repent’ sets himself against his age and will for the time being be battered mercilessly by the age whose moral tone he challenges. There is but one end for such a man . . . ‘off with his head.’ ” You had better no.t preach repentance until you have pledged your head to heaven.” Let it be said again, the true prophet is not a trouble­ maker. There are false prophets who set up straw men to knock over, who create crises and invent issues. There are also false prophets who cry “ Peace” when there is no peace, who would have us save our hides at the cost of our honor and preserve our skins though it cost our souls. The true prophet belongs to neither category. Ahab accused Elijah of troubling Israel. Elijah promptly set the matter straight. “ I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father’s house, in that ye have forsaken the com­ mandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed Balaam. That was the trouble and Elijah did not create it; he re­ vealed it. Ahab was the trouble-maker. Elijah was the This age of Laodicean lukewarmness, of peaceful coex­ istence, of conformity and togetherness, naturally hates prophets. We are not training prophets because there is no demand and there are no candidates. We are turning out every other conceivable kind of religious specialist, but not prophets. Peace is the theme today and prophets deal with trouble. Somebody is sure to ask, “ But doesn’t the Bible say, ‘Blessed are the peace-makers,’ and not, ‘Blessed are the trouble-shooters’ ?” True, but the surest way to have peace is to deal with the troubles that pre­ vent it. A sick man has no peace because he has trouble and the doctor must first be a trouble-shooter before he can be a peace-maker. Ahab and his false prophets will of course accuse Eli­ jah of troubling Israel. But the prophet will understand* that, now as then, they are merely passing the buck. He is not creating the trouble; he is condemning and cor­ recting it. He will not be disturbed by those who do not know the difference between a trouble-maker and a trouble-shooter. The secret of his confidence lies in his fellowship with God. Elijah said to Ahab: “ As the Lord God of Israel liveth, BEFORE WHOM I STAND . . .” At that moment he was standing in the presence of a king but evidently he was not too much impressed. A man accustomed to communion with the Almighty will not be flustered before Ahab. With such credentials, he can meet any situation and rise to any occasion. We need a trouble-shooter of that caliber today. trouble-shooter.



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