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The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column. JESUS O N L Y And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. Matthew 17:8 The quiet but delightful ordinary fel lowship with “Jesus only,” which ought to be the distinguishing mark of all Chris tian life, is better for every day than the excessive strain of the transfiguration glory. I. What M ight Have Happened to the Three Disciples A fter the Transfiguration 1. They might have seen no one with them on the holy mount. 2. When they lifted up their eyes, they might have seen Moses only. 3. As a third alternative, they might have seen Elijah only. 4. Or they might have seen Moses and Elijah with Jesus. II. What Really Did Happen 1. “ Jesus only” was all they wanted to see for their comfort. 2. “ Jesus only” was enough as their power for future life. 3. “ Jesus only” shall be our reward— to be with Him where He is. III. What W e Anxiously Desire May Happen to Those Who Hear Us 1. For ourselves and fellow Christians, that, more and more, the great ob ject of our thoughts, motives, and acts may he “Jesus only.” 2. For those who are not yet believers in Jesus our desire is that this may happen to them— that they may see “ Jesus only.” He that believeth on the Son hath ever lasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth upon him. John 3:36 The great question that confronts each of us: Eternal life or the wrath of God. Which shall it be? I. The Things Constrasted 1. “Eternal life.” What is it? a. It is really life. b. It is fullness of life. c. It is life of highest knowledge. d. It is the life of God. e. It is endless life. 2. “ The wrath of God.” What is it? a. It is the intense and settled dis ETERNAL LIFE, OR THE W R A TH OF GOD — W H IC H ?
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People he wants to be like. Give him the vast outdoors, a frog, a baseball, a cartoon. These are the magic things that capture his interest. But above all, give him the spine-forming principles o f real Christian living as they relate to him. Give him a Christian hero to emulate during the other six days o f the week. That’s just
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pleasure of the infinitely holy Be ing who created us, and all things, and who has the absolute control of all the powers of this universe.
outstanding Scripture Press take-home papers . . . for all ages.
II. How To Decide Between Them 1. God answers the question. a. Believe on the Son of God.
b. Accept God’s testimony concern ing Jesus Christ.
MARCH, 1962
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